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Cooking up results: Savor Recipes doubles down on high impact ads to engage dorm room chefs

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As the advertising industry reckons with the loss of third-party cookies across the internet, the importance of creative in a brands marketing strategy cannot be underestimated. 

Savor Recipes has learned this first hand, and by doubling down on high impact creative in lieu of standard banners has seen increased engagement and site traffic from consumers. 

Let's take a look at their best-in-class campaign:


The Objective

Savor Recipes set out to make an impact across college campuses by educating college students with easy-to-make dorm room recipes. Their objective was twofold: (1) promote awareness of its dairy-forward recipes, and (2) boost purchase and consumption of dairy products.

To promote awareness of its dairy-forward recipes and boost purchase and consumption of dairy products, Savor turned to high impact rich media to make an impact with Gen Z across select college campuses. 


The Execution

To appeal to college students, Savor needed to greet them on their own terms: on mobile, with scroll-stopping creative that would break through their banner blindness. They targeted college students - ages 18-22- at four East Coast universities: Syracuse, St. Johns, Manhattan College, and Cornell University. 

Savor leveraged interactive rich media ads to grab attention and drive awareness of their quick and easy dorm room recipes. A custom, eye-catching creative unit was developed to feature four different gif-like recipe videos housed in different tiles. 


The Results

The campaign succeeded at capturing the attention of Gen Z and engaging them with dairy-based recipes with an overall engagement rate of 2.86%! 

Not only was the campaign successful at driving engagement, but college students actually took the next step to visit SavorRecipes.com. Traffic to the recipes promoted during the campaign increased by a whopping 275% during the initiative!

“The high impact, rich media ads helped Savor move the needle with college students by delivering media metrics that were 85% higher than the previous years standard banners,” said Diya Basu, Director - Digital & Content Marketing, Savor Recipes 

In a testament to the strategy and importance of creative, the high impact rich media deployed for the 2023 campaign delivered 44.5% more impressions, 165% more clicks, and an 84.6% higher click-through-rate versus the 2022 campaign that leveraged standard display banners, proving that the way to consumers hearts, wallets and stomachs is by devising a strategy that is equally focused on creative and targeting to stop their infinite scroll.


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