Differentiate between <mapframe> and <maplink> page counts in Grafana
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Instead of batching them together, we should separate them into multiple tracking categories.

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Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper. · View Herald Transcript
Aklapper renamed this task from Diffirentiate between <mapframe> and <maplink> page counts in Grafana to Differentiate between <mapframe> and <maplink> page counts in Grafana.Nov 1 2016, 8:40 PM
MaxSem moved this task from To-do to In progress on the Maps-Sprint board.
This comment was removed by MaxSem.

Change 323325 had a related patch set uploaded (by MaxSem):
Track mapframes and maplinks separately


Change 323325 merged by jenkins-bot:
Track mapframes and maplinks separately


Change 324347 had a related patch set uploaded (by MaxSem):
refreshLinks.php: allow refreshing by categories, tracking or not


Yurik edited projects, added Maps (Kartographer); removed Maps.

I think this needs to happen; data on this distinction may be very important in the future.

Change 324347 merged by jenkins-bot:
refreshLinks.php: allow refreshing by categories, tracking or not


Looking at graphite (under the key kartographer.pages.*), I still see only a singe metric per wiki, so unless I misunderstand what we planned to do here (and that might well be the case) I think this has not been entirely completed yet.

@MaxSem do you know what we actually tried to do with this? Do you know where those new metrics should be?

I initially added different tracking categories for mapframe and maplink, but then reverted because with all the analytics requirements, pages would end up with a bunch of silly categories not needed by users. So, this needs to be done from scratch.

debt subscribed.

Thanks for the info, @MaxSem. Moving to backlog until such time that we can take this up again.

Moving off the sprint board - the Discovery team won't be able to do this work at this time.