Add IRCS / change IRC prefix URL to ircs://
Closed, InvalidPublic


Why is there no IRCS in Special:Interwiki? IRCS should be preferred over IRC, 'cause its secure. All Template:Channel transclusions are linking to insecure connections.

Could IRCS be added to the mw-extension Interwiki (also respectively for the prefixes freenode, ircrc, rcirc)?
Alternatively, could the URLs of these prefixes just be changed to the IRCS protocol (all listed servers do support IRCS, also all up-to date irc clients). This would eliminate all insecure links to irc, including thousands of Template:Channel transclusions.

Event Timeline

Ptolusque removed Ptolusque as the assignee of this task.
Ptolusque added a project: acl*security.
MarcoAurelio subscribed.

Not a bug in the extension. MediaWiki-extensions-Interwiki just parses and puts its data nicely in that table (refs). Please submit an amendment request at asking to modify the irc link or add an ircs. Once you've decide what would be best I can then modify that page and ask a deployer to update the Interwiki Map cache. Thank you.