ContentTranslation: Remove minimum amount of translation on Nynorsk – Bokmål translation
Open, MediumPublic


This is a bit fun, but the machine translation between Nynorsk and Bokmål is now so good we regularly have translations with virtually no additional changes except for template mismatches.

It seems not very useful to demand additional changes per paragraph just to prove the text is valid. We could although keep an overall count on changes, but that should be pretty low. Perhaps 95% or something like that.

The language pair has had a substantially upgrade lately, and I guess we observe that in ContentTranslation. A big hand to @Unhammer! :D

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@jeblad We define MT threshold for target wikis only, not as language pairs. In this case, any language -> nowiki/nnwiki MT threshold with be set to 95%.

If translation from other languages to nowiki/nnwiki are low compare to between pairs, we can go ahead with this.

Let me know if this is OK.

Setting the amount for a target wiki does not make sense. The quality of the language pairs are not equal. Even if the Nynorsk-Bokmål pair has high quality, the Bokmål-Swedish pair is not so. No, this will not work.

santhosh subscribed.

Since adjusting threshold per language pair will require more development work, we need to plan it. For now, removing from our focus sprint.

Aklapper added a subscriber: KartikMistry.

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