ProofreadPage: turn on OpenSeaDragon (OSD) on the mobile site
Open, Needs TriagePublicFeature


OSD has pinch-to-zoom support, so it will be ideal if the viewer can be enabled for the mobile site.

Although the WS mobile experience is reather lacking, at least plugging in OSD will move us forward by a small fraction.

Event Timeline

Billinghurst renamed this task from ProofreadPage: turn on OSD on the mobile site to ProofreadPage: turn on OopenSeaDragon (OSD) on the mobile site.Nov 21 2021, 9:53 AM
Billinghurst renamed this task from ProofreadPage: turn on OopenSeaDragon (OSD) on the mobile site to ProofreadPage: turn on OpenSeaDragon (OSD) on the mobile site.