User favourites
Closed, DuplicatePublicFeature


Feature summary (what you would like to be able to do and where):
I would love to be able to "favourite" an article through an optional "star" or similar available when logged in. This would cause the article to be added to the user's "favourite articles" which would be part of the new feature. Optionally such articles could be tagged with user-definable tags and/or organised in user-defined "favourite groups", similar to how YouTube allows videos to be saved to "Watch Later" and user-defined lists. Optionally such lists could even be made public for others to refer to.

Benefits (why should this be implemented?):
The reason this would be beneficial is that it would provide a single repository of links to articles a user may be interested in but has no time to read at the time. It can also be used in organising articles for research/study. The use-cases are many.

Event Timeline

Reedy renamed this task from User faviourites to User favourites.Jan 9 2024, 6:23 PM
Reedy updated the task description. (Show Details)
Reedy subscribed.

^ While this doesn't provide all of the functionality you're asking for, quite a bit of it is there...

A watchlist and favourites are two different things. A watchlist item will notify the user of changes whilst a favourite item is just a bookmark to items of interest. Additionally, favourites, in a good implementation, allows categorisation and organisation, whilst a watchlist is just an unorganised list of items. A watchlist is not a good substitute for favourites.

That is exactly the same feature just another name for it. As such this can be closed as duplicate of it. Oh, I see, it has already been done! 👍