Allocate more available UNIX UIDs for human users
Open, LowPublic


We currently allocate UIDs up to 49999 to human users. We're currently using IDs up to 45977 as of writing which seems to indicate to me that we need to start thinking what to do in about 4,000 users.

Given that UIDs are a 32-bit integer it seems like we could just allocate IDs from 1,000,000 to 1,999,999 for users and call it good for the next few centuries at least.

Event Timeline

Currently the highest number in use is 47058. So that's 1081 accounts in the 148 days since I created this task, or about 7.3 accounts per day. Assuming a similar rate of growth we're looking at running out of numbers in about 400 days, which would be late July next calendar year.

I'll take care of this when I'm back from sabbatical