ProbeDown - vrts1001
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Common information

  • address:
  • alertname: ProbeDown
  • family: ip4
  • instance: vrts1001:1443
  • job: probes/custom
  • module: http_ticket_wikimedia_org_ip4
  • prometheus: ops
  • severity: task
  • site: eqiad
  • source: prometheus
  • team: collaboration-services

Firing alerts

Event Timeline

Peachey88 renamed this task from ProbeDown to ProbeDown - vrts1001.Jan 28 2024, 7:28 AM
Peachey88 added a project: Znuny.
LSobanski claimed this task.
LSobanski subscribed.

Looking at the dashboards it was the usual memory spike followed by service restart. These are expected to occur until T355976: VRTS Performance Improvements tracking is implemented.