Znuny error for WikimediaTemplates package
Open, LowPublic


AdminSupportDataCollector page for our Znuny instance displays the following error for one of the custom packages:

Some packages are not allowed for the current framework version.

The package in question: https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/plugins/gitiles/operations/software/otrs/+/refs/heads/master/packages/WikimediaTemplates/WikimediaTemplates.sopm has the following Framework setting:


We are currently on version 6.5.8 so there is a difference here but based on https://doc.znuny.org/znuny_lts/developer/extending/package-building.html the framework setting is defined as "minimum framework level" so this combination should theoretically still be fine, unless the minor version has to match.

Event Timeline

LSobanski triaged this task as Low priority.
LSobanski moved this task from Incoming to Work in Progress on the collaboration-services board.

Znuny's recommendation is to update the framework tag to <Framework>6.5.x</Framework> and review if any other changes are needed due to the version changes.

Change #1047997 had a related patch set uploaded (by AOkoth; author: AOkoth):

[operations/software/otrs@master] ugprade: bump to version 6.5.x


Change #1047997 merged by AOkoth:

[operations/software/otrs@master] ugprade: bump to version 6.5.x


I removed the package manually from the dashboard then followed the steps above to re-install it. Looks like it got installed but not cleanly:

aokoth@vrts1001:/tmp$ sudo -u www-data /opt/otrs/bin/otrs.Console.pl Admin::Package::Install /tmp/WikimediaTemplates-1.0.18.opm
Installing package...
| WikimediaTemplates-1.0.18
| Pre-Install Information

|  Welcome to Wikimedia Template Changes!

|  You are about to install Template (TT) changes to your Znuny System:

| Notice: Change AgentTicketZoom/TicketInformation.tt to show the username

| Notice: Change AgentTicketZoom/TickerInformation.tt to remove link to
| CustomerID

| Notice: Change AgentDashboardUserOutoOfOffice.tt to show the username

| Notice: Change AgentDashboardUserOnline.tt to show the username

| Notice: Change AgentDashboardUserOnline.tt to hide agent out of office

ERROR: OTRS-otrs.Console.pl-Admin::Package::Install-10 Perl: 5.32.1 OS: linux Time: Fri Jun 21 20:14:37 2024

 Message: Can't write '/opt/otrs/Custom/Kernel/Output/HTML/Templates/Standard/AgentDashboardUserOnline.tt':

 Traceback (3552018):
   Module: Kernel::System::Main::FileWrite Line: 501
   Module: Kernel::System::Package::_FileInstall Line: 4000
   Module: Kernel::System::Package::PackageInstall Line: 571
   Module: Kernel::System::Console::Command::Admin::Package::Install::Run Line: 89
   Module: (eval) Line: 461
   Module: Kernel::System::Console::BaseCommand::Execute Line: 455
   Module: Kernel::System::Console::InterfaceConsole::Run Line: 81
   Module: /opt/otrs/bin/otrs.Console.pl Line: 37

ERROR: OTRS-otrs.Console.pl-Admin::Package::Install-10 Perl: 5.32.1 OS: linux Time: Fri Jun 21 20:14:37 2024

 Message: Can't write '/opt/otrs/Custom/Kernel/Output/HTML/Templates/Standard/AgentTicketZoom/TicketInformation.tt': Permission denied

 Traceback (3552018):
   Module: Kernel::System::Main::FileWrite Line: 501
   Module: Kernel::System::Package::_FileInstall Line: 4000
   Module: Kernel::System::Package::PackageInstall Line: 571
   Module: Kernel::System::Console::Command::Admin::Package::Install::Run Line: 89
   Module: (eval) Line: 461
   Module: Kernel::System::Console::BaseCommand::Execute Line: 455
   Module: Kernel::System::Console::InterfaceConsole::Run Line: 81
   Module: /opt/otrs/bin/otrs.Console.pl Line: 37

ERROR: OTRS-otrs.Console.pl-Admin::Package::Install-10 Perl: 5.32.1 OS: linux Time: Fri Jun 21 20:14:37 2024

 Message: Can't write '/opt/otrs/Custom/Kernel/Output/HTML/Templates/Standard/AgentDashboardUserOutOfOffice.tt': Permission denied

 Traceback (3552018):
   Module: Kernel::System::Main::FileWrite Line: 501
   Module: Kernel::System::Package::_FileInstall Line: 4000
   Module: Kernel::System::Package::PackageInstall Line: 571
   Module: Kernel::System::Console::Command::Admin::Package::Install::Run Line: 89
   Module: (eval) Line: 461
   Module: Kernel::System::Console::BaseCommand::Execute Line: 455
   Module: Kernel::System::Console::InterfaceConsole::Run Line: 81
   Module: /opt/otrs/bin/otrs.Console.pl Line: 37

ERROR: OTRS-otrs.Console.pl-Admin::Package::Install-10 Perl: 5.32.1 OS: linux Time: Fri Jun 21 20:14:38 2024

 Message: Setting Package::RepositoryList Effective value is not correct: Its not an array!

 Traceback (3552018):
   Module: Kernel::System::SysConfig::ConfigurationDeploy Line: 3487
   Module: Kernel::System::Package::_ConfigurationDeploy Line: 4651
   Module: Kernel::System::Package::PackageInstall Line: 595
   Module: Kernel::System::Console::Command::Admin::Package::Install::Run Line: 89
   Module: (eval) Line: 461
   Module: Kernel::System::Console::BaseCommand::Execute Line: 455
   Module: Kernel::System::Console::InterfaceConsole::Run Line: 81
   Module: /opt/otrs/bin/otrs.Console.pl Line: 37


Permission errors seem to be resolved by running the script with the otrs user.

aokoth@vrts1001:/tmp$ sudo -u otrs /opt/otrs/bin/otrs.Console.pl Admin::Package::Install /tmp/WikimediaTemplates-1.0.18.opm 
Installing package...
| WikimediaTemplates-1.0.18
| Pre-Install Information

|  Welcome to Wikimedia Template Changes! 

|  You are about to install Template (TT) changes to your Znuny System: 

| Notice: Change AgentTicketZoom/TicketInformation.tt to show the username

| Notice: Change AgentTicketZoom/TickerInformation.tt to remove link to
| CustomerID

| Notice: Change AgentDashboardUserOutoOfOffice.tt to show the username

| Notice: Change AgentDashboardUserOnline.tt to show the username

| Notice: Change AgentDashboardUserOnline.tt to hide agent out of office

Notice: Install /opt/otrs/Custom/Kernel/Output/HTML/Templates/Standard/AgentDashboardUserOnline.tt (644)!
Notice: Install /opt/otrs/Custom/Kernel/Output/HTML/Templates/Standard/AgentTicketZoom/TicketInformation.tt (644)!
Notice: Install /opt/otrs/Custom/Kernel/Output/HTML/Templates/Standard/AgentDashboardUserOutOfOffice.tt (644)!
ERROR: OTRS-otrs.Console.pl-Admin::Package::Install-10 Perl: 5.32.1 OS: linux Time: Wed Jun 26 09:00:12 2024

 Message: Setting Package::RepositoryList Effective value is not correct: Its not an array!

 Traceback (362645): 
   Module: Kernel::System::SysConfig::ConfigurationDeploy Line: 3487
   Module: Kernel::System::Package::_ConfigurationDeploy Line: 4651
   Module: Kernel::System::Package::PackageInstall Line: 595
   Module: Kernel::System::Console::Command::Admin::Package::Install::Run Line: 89
   Module: (eval) Line: 461
   Module: Kernel::System::Console::BaseCommand::Execute Line: 455
   Module: Kernel::System::Console::InterfaceConsole::Run Line: 81
   Module: /opt/otrs/bin/otrs.Console.pl Line: 37

Dzahn subscribed.

That looks much better :) Great!

I guess now we are just wondering about the part "ERROR: OTRS-otrs.Console.pl-Admin::Package::Install-10 Perl"?

@Dzahn Yeah, I have not tracked that down yet. From the forums it looks like it appears in different places and not just when installing a package.

Though I noticed there is a button on the dashboard to refresh the repository list and currently looking for a CLI option for the same. This is purely a suspicion not sure if it will fix it.