Integrate Bullseye 11.10 point update
Open, MediumPublic


The tenth point release for Bullseye will happen next weekend:

I've verified that none of the removed packages are in use by us.

The d-i image will need to be rebuilt

Use this ticket to track the respective updates across the cluster:

  • base-files
  • cups
  • curl
  • distro-info-data
  • dns-root-data
  • emacs (superceded by DSA 5719-1)
  • galera-4
  • gdk-pixbuf
  • glib2.0
  • gnutls28
  • intel-microcode (rollout is enough, can be picked up by later reboots for other reasons)
  • libssh2
  • links2
  • nano
  • postgresql-13
  • python-idna
  • reportbug
  • systemd

These are unused by us:

  • allegro5
  • amavisd-new
  • bart
  • bart-cuda
  • cloud-init-22.4.2
  • cpu
  • debsig-verify
  • deets
  • django-mailman3 (only on Bookworm)
  • gross
  • hovercraft
  • imlib2
  • jose
  • json-smart
  • lacme
  • libapache2-mod-auth-openidc
  • libjwt
  • libkf5ksieve
  • libmicrohttpd
  • ngircd
  • nvidia-settings
  • org-mode
  • php-composer-xdebug-handler
  • php-doctrine-annotations
  • php-phpseclib
  • php-proxy-manager
  • php-symfony-contracts
  • php-zend-code
  • phpseclib
  • postfix (only on Bookworm)
  • pypdf2
  • python-aiosmtpd (only on Bookworm)
  • python-dnslib
  • python-stdnum
  • qtbase-opensource-src (only on Bookworm)
  • rust-cbindgen-web
  • rustc-web
  • sendmail
  • symfony
  • wpa