Copy paid MaxMind geolocation dbs to tool labs
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Should be a 30s job, if we're able to do it:

It would be good to enable volunteer tools around geolocation and visualisation by copying our MaxMind databases to tool labs. I'm thinking of use cases like this tool, which is awesome and exactly the sort of thing we should be reducing the barrier to building.

(Toby, CCing you because enabling volunteerwerk is cromulent to your interests. Yuvi, CCing you because you're a labs nerd ;p)

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Ironholds raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.
Ironholds updated the task description. (Show Details)

Is it legally ok to copy it there? If so where should it be copied from? Should be fairly trivial to set up a copy on NFS for everyone to use.

That's the "if we're able to do it". I'll CC Luis.

Also, we could copy the *free* one there, if the paid one isn't something we can legally copy :) Remember putting it on labs is pretty much making it available to everyone. We might be violating MaxMind's *and* Labs ToS :)

For what it's worth, I think the license for the databases is and while IANAL (L being Luis here ;)), there are several clauses there that would prevent us from doing this (at least the restrictions listed under (b), (f) & (j)).

GeoLite should be possible though and is already puppetized for all of Labs. They have a very liberal license (CC-BY-SA, IIRC) for these.

I think I'm missing some context here. Few questions:

  1. What's the general purpose of putting it on Labs? Just enabling volunteers or are there specific use cases?
  2. Who would be able to access it on Labs? Anyone? Any registered Labs user? ... ?
  3. Is the license Faidon linked to the appropriate one governing the copy of the DB we have?

As for (2) the answer is 'any registered labs user', which is basically anyone (since anyone can register)

  1. Yes! Volunteers are already building tools like!/main using the (limited release) CC-BY-SA dataset.
  2. Any registered tool labs user, I think? Yuvi?
  3. I think so. Could we go for some kind of middle ground, where the binaries themselves can't be directly accessed, but we install and configure the pertinent APIs on top of it?
yuvipanda changed the task status from Open to Stalled.Jan 28 2015, 10:14 PM

(Adding Stephen since I think he deals with these now)

I agree with @faidon, this doesn't look to be possible. the APIs are already present (libgeoip and python-geoip are installed on tools).

Am going to close this for now, re-open if legal disagrees.

yuvipanda claimed this task.

We can use the free licensed version of the geoip database on labs. If you have questions about how we can use the non-free database, let's follow up via email.