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In China, property rights take wrong turn

China's economy, long an engine of world growth, has been sputtering lately. During the second quarter of 2024, it grew at an annual rate of 4.7%—down from an average 7% a year during the past decade. For the next two years, ...

Morals are key to consumer views on lab-grown meat, study finds

People's moral values could limit their uptake of lab-grown meat, a study suggests. People who say living a natural life is morally important to them are more likely to reject lab-grown meat—also known as cultured or cultivated ...

AI is poised to radically disrupt the fashion industry landscape

Fashion is a dynamic business. Most apparel brands make at least two to four collections per year. While selling current seasonal collections, brands plan for the next ones at least a year in advance, identifying market trends ...

Gender inequality across US states revealed by new tool

Researchers have developed and validated a new tool for comparing gender inequality among different regions of a country, highlighting links between gender inequality, well-being, and participation in the #MeToo movement ...

Uber Eats eats into Uber ridesharing

When Uber expanded into food delivery, the move was expected to bring additional revenue to the ridesharing company. It certainly did.

Strengthening journalism careers in an age of mistrust

A new study by researchers from the University of Adelaide and several U.S. universities has found solutions journalism could play a part in re-engaging disenchanted media students, strengthening their reporting skills, and ...

Q&A: How can different types of brains bolster startup success?

Associate Professor Carina Lomberg is on a quest to understand the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral aspects of entrepreneurs and what shapes their journey. She has found that including neurodiverse individuals in teams ...

Research evaluates strategy for supply chains under pressure

Recent upheavals in the global market have put supply chains under immense pressure, and the logistics and road transportation sectors are struggling to keep pace with geopolitical tensions, rampant inflation, and the rising ...

More news

Economics & Business
Study: For small sellers, sometimes it pays to sell to Amazon—and sometimes not
Economics & Business
With the rise of global mobility, researchers say the topic of international employees' adjustment needs attention
Economics & Business
Study shows how narcissistic CEOs influence boards of directors to take more risk
Economics & Business
Examining the benefits of worksite weight-based discrimination training
Economics & Business
How a 'social good' firm is defined can impact its value creation and value capital
Economics & Business
Study: Consumption-tracking technology mixed bag for consumers
Social Sciences
70% of households with children regularly waste food, finds Spanish study
Economics & Business
Research shows gamified investment sites have risks for novice investors
Economics & Business
Restructuring middle managers—findings from a case study of a major bank
Economics & Business
A four-day week can work if staff and employers can deal with the challenges
Economics & Business
IoT sensors tattle on stores that neglect promo displays
Economics & Business
Tourism development doesn't equal bad jobs—weak government protection does
Social Sciences
Perceived warmth, competence predict callback decisions in meta-analysis of hiring experiments
Economics & Business
New tools are needed to make water affordable, says study
Social Sciences
Living in America's wealthiest communities may not make you safer
Social Sciences
Study reveals the existence of a hidden 'pink tax' in digital advertising
Economics & Business
Report explores consumer attitudes toward US farm bill
Social Sciences
Looking for an 'outside the box' hire? You might get a rule-bending narcissist
Economics & Business
Study shows entrepreneurs should tweak their pitches based on how innovative their idea is
Economics & Business
Swedish labor market consensus is far from the whole story, says researcher

Other news

General Physics
Results suggests titanium-48's nuclear structure changes when observed at varying distances
Materials Science
Researchers zero in on the underlying mechanism that causes alloys to crack when exposed to hydrogen-rich environments
Enhanced information in national policies can accelerate Africa's efforts to track climate adaptation
Global study demonstrates benefit of marine protected areas to recreational fisheries
Genome study informs restoration of American chestnut tree
Killifish can adjust their egg-laying habits in response to predators, study shows
Bio & Medicine
Innovative microscopy reveals amyloid architecture, may give insights into neurodegenerative disease
New dawn for space storm alerts could help shield Earth's tech
Molecular & Computational biology
Study deciphers intricate 3D structure of DNA aptamer for disease theranostics
Plants & Animals
Giant millipede was lost to science for 126 years: It's just been found in Madagascar
Analytical Chemistry
Gold co-catalyst improves photocatalytic degradation of micropollutants, finds study
Earth Sciences
How mantle hydration changes over the lifetime of a subduction zone
Analytical Chemistry
Chemists design novel method for generating sustainable fuel
Condensed Matter
A microscopic factory for small runners: New method uses magnetic loops for growth control
Condensed Matter
A new way to control the magnetic properties of rare earth elements
Plants & Animals
Rhythmic gene expression in plants is crucial for symbiosis with nutrient-providing bacteria, study finds
Results from Juukan Gorge show 47,000 years of Aboriginal heritage was destroyed in mining blast
Working to strengthen Pacific Northwest defenses against wildfires and wildfire smoke
Optics & Photonics
New tractor beam technology could one day minimize biopsy trauma
Sustainable irrigation critical to recovery of Ukrainian farms, a major global exporter of grain and oilseeds