What can sharks teach us about our hearts?

This time of year, it's hard to escape sharks—on TV at least. But perhaps that heartbeat-like theme from "Jaws"—da-dum, da-dum—has you wondering, "What might I learn about my own heart from a shark?"

Is fear of sharks being overblown?

"Just when you thought it was safe to get back in the water...." It's one of the most famous taglines in film history, immortalizing sharks as ruthless predators. But beyond the horror generated by Spielberg's "Jaws" series, ...

French Pacific archipelago divided over shark hunt

After killing seven people in the past five years, sharks are enemy number one in France's Pacific archipelago of New Caledonia where the authorities have declared open season on the species in the hope of making beaches ...

Researchers document 55 more white sharks in Cape Cod waters

The scientific nonprofit that tracks the white shark population in Cape Cod waters identified 55 sharks never before documented in the area during its most recent research season, but experts say that's no reason for tourists ...

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