
  • Member Since: February 27th, 2021
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  • Created a topic, Elementor integration is broken :(, on the site Forums:
    Yoast is installed and first time configuration is don…

  • Created a topic, Excellent, on the site Forums:
    They finally fixed the false detection of unoptimized …

  • Created a topic, Problem when uploading an svg with the same file name as an old deleted svg, on the site Forums:
    Not sure if this started with the recent updates, but …

  • Posted a reply to Great Support, on the site Forums:
    The pro plugin update fixed the critical error. Thanks

  • Posted a reply to Stability issue since Elementor 3.6.1 a few days ago, on the site Forums:
    Hi Abid, Thanks for the quick reply. oh wow, I didn't realize the pro plugin…

  • Created a topic, Stability issue since Elementor 3.6.1 a few days ago, on the site Forums:
    There is a critical Site error after applying the 23-M…

  • Posted a reply to stability: Sporadic missing fields and images (A2 specific features enabled), on the site Forums:
    installation issue resolved (missing checkbox on new php version). The tip you suggested about turning…

  • Posted a reply to stability: Sporadic missing fields and images (A2 specific features enabled), on the site Forums:
    Thank you for the great tips. I have tried to reinstall so I can apply…

  • Created a topic, stability: Sporadic missing fields and images (A2 specific features enabled), on the site Forums:
    Short version: Enabling the plugin made my site unsta…