Alexandra Bigotte de Almeida

Alexandra Bigotte de Almeida

Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
6 mil seguidores + de 500 conexões


In my 17+ years of experience, I faced cancer, brutal workplace abuse, sexual harassment,…

Artigos de Alexandra

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Experiência e formação acadêmica

  • Currently on a Career Break

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Experiência de voluntariado

  • Gráfico Erasmus Student Network AISBL

    Volunteer in several positions

    Erasmus Student Network AISBL

    - 5 anos 2 meses

    Direitos civis e ações sociais

    Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is a non-profit international student organisation. Our mission is to represent international students, thus provide opportunities for cultural understanding and self-development under the principle of Students Helping Students.

    [2016-2017] National Communication Manager and International Grant Evaluator
    [2014-2016] International Project and HR Manager
    [2014-2015] National Communication Manager and International PR Manager
    [2012-2014] Local Vice…

    Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is a non-profit international student organisation. Our mission is to represent international students, thus provide opportunities for cultural understanding and self-development under the principle of Students Helping Students.

    [2016-2017] National Communication Manager and International Grant Evaluator
    [2014-2016] International Project and HR Manager
    [2014-2015] National Communication Manager and International PR Manager
    [2012-2014] Local Vice President, Local Project Manager, Local Human Resources Manager and Local Department Coordinator


  • Cybersecurity Training 2023


  • English


  • Events organization and management


  • Phishing Advanced Course



  • YOU'RE HOME - YOUth & REfugees: Helping Others Means Europe


    An Erasmus+ funded project of diversity and inclusion that allowed 37 young people from 5 different countries to meet and discuss what challenges young refugees face on their arrival in Europe, and the role that youth organizations have in developing initiatives to respond effectively to the needs of young refugees.
    With activities carried out in the context of non-formal and informal education, young participants discussed and produced solutions to celebrate diversity and build a common…

    An Erasmus+ funded project of diversity and inclusion that allowed 37 young people from 5 different countries to meet and discuss what challenges young refugees face on their arrival in Europe, and the role that youth organizations have in developing initiatives to respond effectively to the needs of young refugees.
    With activities carried out in the context of non-formal and informal education, young participants discussed and produced solutions to celebrate diversity and build a common European identity.
    Focused on diversity and inclusion, YOU’RE HOME had participants with different disabilities, languages and socioeconomic backgrounds, and aimed to:
    • Contribute to the sustainable development of society, considering the European and Portuguese commitment with Europe 2020, Agenda 2030 (UN) and the Objectives of Sustainable Development (ODS);
    • Celebrate the European Year of Cultural Heritage by encouraging young people to exploit it and to feel their belonging to the common European area;
    • To stimulate a space for reflection and intercultural and inter-religious dialogue to stimulate the sharing of values of freedom, tolerance, diversity, and respect for human rights;
    • To enable young people, especially those with fewer opportunities, to participate in the labor market, informal and non-formal education, transnational mobility, democracy, and society;
    • To prevent the radicalization of young people by sharing mutual and European values of freedom, mutual aid, co-responsibility, sharing of the common good, tolerance, diversity and respect for human rights;
    • Contribute to the better integration and reception of young refugees in Europe;
    • Empowering the organizations involved, allowing the international expansion of their radius of action and impact;
    • Develop critical thinking and promote active citizenship, through media literacy, disinformation about refugees and fostering empathy to inspire real.

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  • Little Warriors, Giant Humans


    A project funded by the Erasmus+ Student and Alumni Alliance (ESAA).
    Committed to bringing Europe closer to Brazil, this initiative was aligned with the theme for the 30th anniversary of Erasmus+ is “International Cooperation” and showed that it is possible to extend aid to the other side of the ocean and to contribute to other people’s life.

    With the support of CASPAE 10, it was possible to help “Lar Amigos de Jesus” to fulfill its mission of “Hosting, Supporting, Give Social…

    A project funded by the Erasmus+ Student and Alumni Alliance (ESAA).
    Committed to bringing Europe closer to Brazil, this initiative was aligned with the theme for the 30th anniversary of Erasmus+ is “International Cooperation” and showed that it is possible to extend aid to the other side of the ocean and to contribute to other people’s life.

    With the support of CASPAE 10, it was possible to help “Lar Amigos de Jesus” to fulfill its mission of “Hosting, Supporting, Give Social Assistance and Solidarity to Children and Adolescents with Cancer, liver and kidney transplants, tumors, hydrocephalus, cleft lips, and congenital diseases”.

    Extending the European solidarity opportunities to Brazil, by providing financial help and personal support to “Lar Amigos de Jesus”, this project had three main goals:

    Improve the livelihood of children with cancer in Fortaleza using local human resources based approach;
    Ensure quality education to the deprived children with cancer living in slums of Fortaleza through participatory and responsive community action.
    Promote the work of the Children Home in the local community.
    During three weeks, the two organisers had the chance to bring smiles and some strength and hope to sick children and their families by visiting “Lar Amigos de Jesus” where they could play games with the “Little Warriors, Giant Humans” who also had the chance to discover more about life in Europe and how Education is really important to make them achieve their dreams.

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  • SocialErasmus


    In a nutshell:
    SocialErasmus is an ESN international program that aims to involve young citizens during their mobility experience through volunteering activities that take social action, fostering change in the society.

    SocialErasmus is an international program by the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) that promotes a social attitude among young citizens participating in mobility programmes, to facilitate their integration into the local community while gives them the…

    In a nutshell:
    SocialErasmus is an ESN international program that aims to involve young citizens during their mobility experience through volunteering activities that take social action, fostering change in the society.

    SocialErasmus is an international program by the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) that promotes a social attitude among young citizens participating in mobility programmes, to facilitate their integration into the local community while gives them the chance to make a long lasting social change in society through volunteering activities. The project goes under the slogan:
    Leave your mark!

    The aim of SocialErasmus is to enrich the international experience of young people abroad with volunteering activities that allow them to understand society’s problems and to work on the solutions. SocialErasmus provides an opportunity for international young people to get to know other realities and learn how they can contribute to improve society as citizens of the world.

    Our mission is to provide young citizens the opportunity to do more with their mobility experience, to make a difference and create a positive social change through volunteering.

    Show the added value of volunteering as a part of a mobility experience through SocialErasmus.

    Outros criadores
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  • International Project E+C: SEGA: Erasmus+Creativity: Social Entrepreneurship and the Generational Approach


    ESN Minho (hosting organisation) believes entrepreneurship, employability, mobility programmes and creativity as themes of interest to local and current realities, and to ESN Minho itself. The international youth exchange E+C: SEGA, funded by EU, emerges as a tool for the dissemination of mobility programmes and development of labour potential of young Europeans.

    The main objectives governing the project are the creation of an atmosphere of multicultural social innovation, which comes…

    ESN Minho (hosting organisation) believes entrepreneurship, employability, mobility programmes and creativity as themes of interest to local and current realities, and to ESN Minho itself. The international youth exchange E+C: SEGA, funded by EU, emerges as a tool for the dissemination of mobility programmes and development of labour potential of young Europeans.

    The main objectives governing the project are the creation of an atmosphere of multicultural social innovation, which comes from different nationalities working in the project (Turkey, Bulgaria, France, Hungary, Latvia, Romania, Slovakia, Spain), promote academic mobility within the European framework as responsible for creative and entrepreneurial initiatives, enable the injection of creativity through the creation and implementation of activities within the perspective of social entrepreneurship in the local community.

    Outros criadores
  • Creator of the I Espaço RP (PR Place) in ESEC


    "Espaço RP" (PR Place) is an event of Escola Superior de Educação de Coimbra with conferences in the field of public relations.

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  • Co-organizer of the II and III ECO in ESEC


    "ECO" is the Encounter of Organizational Communication of Escola Superior de Educação de Coimbra

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  • English

    Nível avançado

  • Spanish

    Nível avançado

  • Portuguese

    Nível nativo ou bilíngue

  • French

    Nível básico

  • Italian

    Nível básico a intermediário

  • Inglês

    Nível avançado

  • Castellano

    Nível avançado

  • Português

    Nível nativo ou bilíngue

  • Français

    Nível básico a intermediário

  • Italiano

    Nível básico a intermediário

  • Espanhol

    Nível avançado

  • French

    Nível básico

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