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Honduras: Dengue Outbreak - May 2024

Disaster description

This year, due to the escalating number of reported cases, the Secretariat of Health (SESAL) issued an epidemiological alert in February. By March, the incidence of cases had escalated to epidemic proportions. Despite extending the scope of the alert in May, the number of dengue cases and associated fatalities continued to rise. Consequently, a national emergency was declared on 31 May. According to data from the Epidemiological Alert issued by WHO on 24 May 2024, in Honduras, up to EW 19 of 2024, of the 20,563 dengue cases reported, 1,248 (6.0%) were laboratory-confirmed, and 266 (1.29%) were classified as severe dengue, as well as 27 deaths, with 11 of these fatalities directly attributed to the disease. The cases reported up to EW 19 of 2024 represent an increase of 445% compared to the same period of 2023, and 193% compared to the average of the last 5 years. In the same period, a total of 10 deaths were reported, corresponding to a case fatality rate of 0.049%. (IFRC, 14 Jun 2024)

In Honduras, up to EW 21 of 2024, 25,859 cases of dengue were reported, representing an increase of 436% compared to the same period in 2023 and 199% compared to the last 5-year average. The cumulative incidence rate as of EW 21, 2024 is 257 cases per 100,000 population, 336 cases (1.29%) were characterized as severe and 20 fatal cases were recorded (case fatality rate 0.077%). (PAHO, 18 Jun 2024)

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