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Iceland - Volcanic eruption (Icelandic Civil Protection, Icelandic Met Office, media) (ECHO Daily Flash of 18 March 2024)

  • A volcanic eruption began on 16 March at 20.23 UTC between Mt. Hagafell and Mt. Stóra Skógfell on the Reykjanes Peninsula in southern Iceland. There are three eruptive opening fissures approximately 2,900 m long in the same location of the 8 February 2024 eruption.
  • According to Icelandic Met Offic, as of 17 March at 18.40 UTC, the lava is propagating at an average speed of 12 m/h in the southern and south-eastern part of the Grindavik area.
  • According to the Icelandic Civil Protection and to media, as of 17 March, the town of Grindavik and the Blue Lagoon Centre have been evacuated, several road in the area have been closed, the lava was about 700-800 metres from the Grindavíkurvegur main road at 22.00 local time.
  • On 16 March, the Civil Protection Emergency Level was declared due to the eruption.
  • On 18 March, the activity of the eruption has significantly slowed down. For now, the lava flow has nearly stopped and at the moment it is not threatening any infrastructure. This might though change depending on the eruption activity and possible change in lava flow.