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Afghanistan + 5 more

Project Management for Development Professionals (Project DPro)


The Project Management for Development Professionals (Project DPro) is a certified course providing project managers the skills needed to deliver effective, transparent results to donors and communities. The course and certification is valuable to all development professionals, from the field staff to project and program managers. It will also provide a focus on managing livelihood projects.

About the Trainer

Obidah Sayed Ali

Obidah Ali is a specialist consultant in Program Management (Program DPro) and Project Management (Project DPro) with more than 10 years’ experience with INGOs and NGOs in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Turkey. Since 2011 he has worked on civil society networking, marginalized groups engagement, conflict resolution and mediation. He is a professional facilitator, practitioner, and trainer on Technical Skills such as Theory of Change (TOC) Good Governance, Curriculum Development, and Social Network Analysis (SNA), and on Soft Skills such as Dialogue Facilitation, Mediation, Advocacy, and Leadership.

Obidah Ali is a PM4NGOs Hub expert for Syria, providing essential support to practitioners in the region.

During this training, you will learn:

The Program DPro Training will be organized based on the Phases and Principles of Program Management:

  • The Phases are based on the four fundamental stages of the program lifecyle: Program Identification, Program Design, Program Planning & Implementation, Program Closure.
  • The Principles outline the five essential principles that should be applied to all phases and aspects during the program lifecycle: Well-Governed, Participatory, Comprehensive, Integrated, Adaptative.

On the 4th day, participants will prepare for the Program DPro Exam in the morning before taking it in the afternoon.

As a result of attending this training workshop, the participants are expected to:

  • Provide a comprehensive and participatory approach to project management.
  • Have a common and contextualized vocabulary and framework specifically for managing development projects.
  • Develop professional understanding of the value of a project management standard language and tools.
  • Manage a practical toolkit that can be adapted to any organizational project environment.
  • Enhanced professional ability to deliver projects on time, on budget, and within scope

Intended Audience

This training is aimed at:

  • Project managers and team members who are new to project management;
  • Project managers and team members who are new to the development and humanitarian sectors;
  • Development sector professionals who intend to pursue professional credentials in project management;
  • Public sector team members working on development initiatives in their respective countries and regions;
  • Local implementing partners executing projects on the ground;
  • Consultants/contract staff operating in the development sector.

Fee information

Training cost is $500 USD.

The fees are inclusive of all training resources and individualized support, and certification exam.

How to register

We deliver this training to individual practitioners and organizations in several formats, decided upon agreement. This course can take place in English, Arabic or other languages to be decided, online or in-person, as intensive workshop or evening classes.

If you are interested in taking or providing this course to your staff, please enter your contact information in the registration form on our website, and we will contact you in the shortest delays to discuss your training project.