Informing humanitarians worldwide 24/7 — a service provided by UN OCHA

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Program Management for Development Professionals (Program DPro)


The Program Management for Development Professionals (Program DPro) course is a certified course on how to make the most from a humanitarian or development program.

We deliver this training to individual practitioners and organizations in several formats, decided upon agreement. This course can take place in English, Arabic or other languages to be decided, online or in-person, as intensive workshop or evening classes.

If you are interested in taking or providing this course to your staff, please enter your contact information in the registration form, and we will contact you in the shortest delays to discuss your training project.

This course is structured around the phases of the program lifecycle and covers the key skills required to prepare, design, implement and monitor cash and voucher assistance. It also focuses on the key principles a progam manager should follow to manage the complexities, challenges, and create synergies for achieving the objectives and outcomes of effective programs.

About the Trainer

John Cropper

John Cropper is a dedicated program management professional with extensive international NGO management experience, having worked in over 40 countries. In 2019, he co-founded Pyramid Learning, which provided engaging learning for humanitarian relief and development practioners.

Training Content:

The Program DPro Training will be organized based on the Phases and Principles of Program Management:

  • The Phases are based on the four fundamental stages of the program lifecyle: Program Identification, Program Design, Program Planning & Implementation, Program Closure.
  • The Principles outline the five essential principles that should be applied to all phases and aspects during the program lifecycle: Well-Governed, Participatory, Comprehensive, Integrated, Adaptative.

On the 4th day, participants will prepare for the Program DPro Exam in the morning before taking it in the afternoon.

By the end of this training, participants will be able:

  • understand the roles and responsibilities of program managers and be able to offer leadership to project managers and their teams
  • align projects with the goals and overarching strategy of an organization
  • deliver high quality humanitarian, development and environmental programs
  • conquer the challenge of coordination, creating synergies between projects and maximizing impact of programs
  • thrive in a dynamic sector – able to innovate with solutions that allow country and regional teams to be responsive
  • play an essential contributing role in helping NGOs address poverty, disease, violence, social injustice, environmental degradation and humanitarian disaster

Intended Audience

This training is aimed at:

  • Experienced program managers looking for valuable sources of information, tools and frameworks to enhance their current knowledge;
  • Aspiring program managers looking for new knowledge and skills to help them take the next steps in their careers;
  • Country and regional directors as the course is an extremely valuable resource for forming strategies and roles in their teams;
  • Support team who will find it useful to have better understanding the program management process;
  • Individuals and organizations including development, humanitarian environment professions at the local, national or international levels.


Participants should be familiar with Project Management for Development (PMD) Pro, as Program DPro builds on concepts and tools in the PMD Pro guidebook. It is not necessary to have taken the PMD Pro exam.

Participants should also have practical experience in project management, understanding the project lifecycle and project management practices.

Fee information

Training cost is $600 USD.
The fees are inclusive of all training resources and individualized support, and certification exam.

How to register

If you are interested in taking or providing this course to your staff, please enter your contact information in the registration form on our website, and we will contact you in the shortest delays to discuss your training project.

For more information, please contact us at .