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About workplace pensions

Find out how you can use your Fidelity workplace pension to get on track for retirement.

All about your workplace pension

Introducing workplace pensions

Your workplace pension is a tax-efficient investment vehicle that you use to save for retirement. Find out what it is, how it works, and what it costs.

Introducing workplace pensions

Your pension checklist

We’ve compiled a list of five small steps that may help boost your savings and make your pension work even harder. Taking a few steps now could potentially make a big difference to your savings tomorrow.

Your pension checklist


Auto-enrolment is a government initiative designed to help people build up their retirement savings through a workplace pension. Find out how this works, who is eligible and what options you have.

Learn about auto-enrolment

How contributions are made

Understanding the options you have when it comes to making contributions could help you boost the amount you eventually have in your pension pot, potentially resulting in a more comfortable retirement.

How contributions are made

How pensions are invested

When we receive your pension contributions, we invest them in managed funds, which hold money from hundreds of pension scheme members like you. Find out how this works, what investment options you have and how to review your investments to make sure they’re right for your retirement goals.

How pensions are invested

Welcome to Fidelity


About Fidelity, your pension manager

Your employer has chosen Fidelity to provide your workplace pension. That means you’ll benefit from our expertise and experience as you grow your pension savings for your retirement.



Fidelity provides governance oversight to ensure consistency and best practice for all plan members.


Sustainable investing

As a member of a workplace pension, you too are an investor. Find out about sustainable investing at Fidelity and what choices you can make for your pension.


Diversity and inclusion

Diversity and Inclusion matters at Fidelity. Find out what we're doing.