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European School Education Platform


About eTwinning
eTwinning is a community for schools, an online space for teachers and school staff to collaborate and develop national and international projects. eTwinning provides a safe platform for teachers and pupils to work together with schools across Europe, discuss in online groups, follow peer learning and professional development activities.
Join eTwinning
How to join eTwinning

Register as a user on the platform using EU Login and request to be validated as an eTwinner by the National Support Organisation in the country where your school is located.

Latest eTwinning news
eTwinning ambassadors share their knowledge and experience with other teachers and help them with their collaborative projects.
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eTwinners from Spain and Türkiye working in early childhood education and care (ECEC) share how eTwinning has improved their teaching and learning.
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The onsite course for ambassadors took place from 18 to 20 April in Athens, Greece. The attendants gathered to attend workshops, share their...
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eTwinning projects
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