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Mickey Rooney

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Rooney in 1945

Mickey Rooney (Joseph Yule, Jr.; September 23, 1920 - Apryle 6, 2014) wis an American movie actor an enterteener who haes workit throu awmaist aw o his life.

In his career, he haes won mony awairds, sic as an Oscar, a Gowden Globe an an Emmy Awaird. Best kent for his wirk as the Andy Hardy character, accordin tae A&E's Biography, Rooney haes ane o the langest movie careers o ony actor. [1]

Rooney deit on Aprile 6, 2014 at the age o 93.


  1. Mickey Rooney Biography (1920 – ) Archived 2008-10-09 at the Wayback Machine. www.biography.com Retrieved 9 August 2008.

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