Modul:Wd/i18n – razlika između verzija

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Nova stranica: -- The values and functions in this submodule should be localized per wiki. -- load submodule "aliasesP" that lives next to this submodule local aliasesP = mw.loadData((...):sub(1…
Update from master using Synchronizer #synchronizer
Red 1: Red 1:
-- The values and functions in this submodule should be localized per wiki.
-- The values and functions in this submodule should be localized per wiki.

local p = {}
-- load submodule "aliasesP" that lives next to this submodule
local aliasesP = mw.loadData((...):sub(1, (...):match('^.*()/') - 1).."/aliasesP")

function p.init(aliasesP)
local p = {
["errors"] = {
["errors"] = {
["unknown-data-type"] = "Unknown or unsupported datatype '$1'.",
["unknown-data-type"] = "Unknown or unsupported datatype '$1'.",
["missing-required-parameter"] = "No required parameters defined, needing at least one",
["missing-required-parameter"] = "No required parameters defined, needing at least one",
["extra-required-parameter"] = "Parameter '$1' must be defined as optional",
["extra-required-parameter"] = "Parameter '$1' must be defined as optional",
["no-function-specified"] = "You must specify a function to call", -- equal to the standard module error message
["no-function-specified"] = "You must specify a function to call", -- equal to the standard module error message
["main-called-twice"] = 'The function "main" cannot be called twice',
["main-called-twice"] = 'The function "main" cannot be called twice',
["no-such-function"] = 'The function "$1" does not exist' -- equal to the standard module error message
["no-such-function"] = 'The function "$1" does not exist' -- equal to the standard module error message
["malformed-reference"] = "Error: Unable to display the reference properly. See [[Module:wd/doc#References|the documentation]] for details."
["info"] = {
["edit-on-wikidata"] = "Edit this on Wikidata"
["numeric"] = {
["decimal-mark"] = ".",
["delimiter"] = ","
["datetime"] = {
["prefixes"] = {
["decade-period"] = ""
["suffixes"] = {
[""] = {
["decade-period"] = "s",
["-"] = ""
["millennium"] = " millennium",
["century"] = " century",
["million-years"] = " million years",
["billion-years"] = " billion years",
["year"] = " year",
["years"] = " years"
["numeric"] = {
["julian-calendar"] = "Julian calendar", -- linked page title
["julian"] = "Julian",
[""] = "",
["BCE"] = "BCE",
[""] = ""
["CE"] = "CE",
["common-era"] = "Common Era" -- linked page title
["coord"] = {
["latitude-north"] = "N",
["latitude-south"] = "S",
["longitude-east"] = "E",
["longitude-west"] = "W",
["degrees"] = "°",
["minutes"] = "'",
["seconds"] = '"',
["separator"] = ", "
["values"] = {
["unknown"] = "unknown",
["none"] = "none"
["cite"] = {
["version"] = "2", -- increase this each time the below parameters are changed to avoid conflict errors
["web"] = {
-- <= left side: all allowed reference properties for *web page sources* per
-- => right side: corresponding parameter names in (equivalent of) [[:en:Template:Cite web]] (if non-existent, keep empty i.e. "")
[aliasesP.statedIn] = "website",
[aliasesP.referenceURL] = "url",
[aliasesP.publicationDate] = "date",
[aliasesP.retrieved] = "access-date",
[aliasesP.title] = "title",
[aliasesP.archiveURL] = "archive-url",
[aliasesP.archiveDate] = "archive-date",
[aliasesP.language] = "language",
[] = "author", -- existence of author1, author2, author3, etc. is assumed
[aliasesP.publisher] = "publisher",
[aliasesP.quote] = "quote",
[aliasesP.pages] = "pages" -- extra option
["q"] = {
[""] = {
["prefixes"] = {
-- <= left side: all allowed reference properties for *sources other than web pages* per
["decade-period"] = ""
-- => right side: corresponding parameter names in (equivalent of) [[:en:Template:Cite Q]] (if non-existent, keep empty i.e. "")
[aliasesP.statedIn] = "1",
["suffixes"] = {
[aliasesP.pages] = "pages",
[aliasesP.column] = "at",
[] = "",
[aliasesP.chapter] = "chapter",
[] = "",
["century"] = " century",
[aliasesP.sectionVerseOrParagraph] = "section",
["million-years"] = " million years",
["external-id"] = "id", -- used for any type of database property ID
["billion-years"] = " billion years",
[aliasesP.title] = "title",
[aliasesP.publicationDate] = "date",
[] = "",
[aliasesP.retrieved] = "access-date"
[] = ""
["julian-calendar"] = "Julian calendar", -- linked page title
["julian"] = "Julian",
["BCE"] = "BCE",
["CE"] = "CE",
["common-era"] = "Common Era" -- linked page title
["coord"] = {
["latitude-north"] = "N",
["latitude-south"] = "S",
["longitude-east"] = "E",
["longitude-west"] = "W",
["degrees"] = "°",
["minutes"] = "'",
["seconds"] = '"',
["separator"] = ", "
["values"] = {
["unknown"] = "unknown",
["none"] = "none"
["cite"] = {
["version"] = "3", -- increment this each time the below parameters are changed to avoid conflict errors
["web"] = {
-- <= left side: all allowed reference properties for *web page sources* per
-- => right side: corresponding parameter names in (equivalent of) [[:en:Template:Cite web]] (if non-existent, keep empty i.e. "")
[aliasesP.statedIn] = "website",
[aliasesP.referenceURL] = "url",
[aliasesP.publicationDate] = "date",
[aliasesP.retrieved] = "access-date",
[aliasesP.title] = "title",
[aliasesP.archiveURL] = "archive-url",
[aliasesP.archiveDate] = "archive-date",
[aliasesP.language] = "language",
[] = "author", -- existence of author1, author2, author3, etc. is assumed
[aliasesP.authorNameString] = "author",
[aliasesP.publisher] = "publisher",
[aliasesP.quote] = "quote",
[aliasesP.pages] = "pages" -- extra option
["q"] = {
-- <= left side: all allowed reference properties for *sources other than web pages* per
-- => right side: corresponding parameter names in (equivalent of) [[:en:Template:Cite Q]] (if non-existent, keep empty i.e. "")
[aliasesP.statedIn] = "1",
[aliasesP.pages] = "pages",
[aliasesP.column] = "at",
[aliasesP.chapter] = "chapter",
[aliasesP.sectionVerseOrParagraph] = "section",
["external-id"] = "id", -- used for any type of database property ID
[aliasesP.title] = "title",
[aliasesP.publicationDate] = "date",
[aliasesP.retrieved] = "access-date"

function p.getOrdinalSuffix(num)
if tostring(num):sub(-2,-2) == '1' then
if tostring(num):sub(-2,-2) == '1' then
return "th" -- 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, ... 19th
return "th" -- 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, ... 19th

num = tostring(num):sub(-1)

if num == '1' then
return "st"
elseif num == '2' then
return "nd"
elseif num == '3' then
return "rd"
return "th"
num = tostring(num):sub(-1)
if num == '1' then
return "st"
elseif num == '2' then
return "nd"
elseif num == '3' then
return "rd"
return "th"

function p.addDelimiters(n)
local left, num, right = string.match(n, "^([^%d]*%d)(%d*)(.-)$")
local left, num, right = string.match(n, "^([^%d]*%d)(%d*)(.-)$")

if left and num and right then
if left and num and right then
return left .. (num:reverse():gsub("(%d%d%d)", "%1" .. p['numeric']['delimiter']):reverse()) .. right
return left .. (num:reverse():gsub("(%d%d%d)", "%1" .. p['numeric']['delimiter']):reverse()) .. right
return n
return n

return p

Aktualna verzija na datum 16 juni 2023 u 20:11

Dokumentaciju za ovaj modul možete napraviti na stranici Modul:Wd/i18n/dok

-- The values and functions in this submodule should be localized per wiki.

local p = {}

function p.init(aliasesP)
	p = {
		["errors"] = {
			["unknown-data-type"]          = "Unknown or unsupported datatype '$1'.",
			["missing-required-parameter"] = "No required parameters defined, needing at least one",
			["extra-required-parameter"]   = "Parameter '$1' must be defined as optional",
			["no-function-specified"]      = "You must specify a function to call",  -- equal to the standard module error message
			["main-called-twice"]          = 'The function "main" cannot be called twice',
			["no-such-function"]           = 'The function "$1" does not exist',  -- equal to the standard module error message
            ["malformed-reference"]        = "Error: Unable to display the reference properly. See [[Module:wd/doc#References|the documentation]] for details."
		["info"] = {
			["edit-on-wikidata"] = "Edit this on Wikidata"
		["numeric"] = {
			["decimal-mark"] = ".",
			["delimiter"]    = ","
		["datetime"] = {
			["prefixes"] = {
				["decade-period"] = ""
			["suffixes"] = {
				["decade-period"] = "s",
				["millennium"]    = " millennium",
				["century"]       = " century",
				["million-years"] = " million years",
				["billion-years"] = " billion years",
				["year"]          = " year",
				["years"]         = " years"
			["julian-calendar"] = "Julian calendar",  -- linked page title
			["julian"]          = "Julian",
			["BCE"]             = "BCE",
			["CE"]              = "CE",
			["common-era"]      = "Common Era"  -- linked page title
		["coord"] = {
			["latitude-north"] = "N",
			["latitude-south"] = "S",
			["longitude-east"] = "E",
			["longitude-west"] = "W",
			["degrees"]        = "°",
			["minutes"]        = "'",
			["seconds"]        = '"',
			["separator"]      = ", "
		["values"] = {
			["unknown"] = "unknown",
			["none"]    = "none"
		["cite"] = {
			["version"] = "3",  -- increment this each time the below parameters are changed to avoid conflict errors
			["web"] = {
				-- <= left side: all allowed reference properties for *web page sources* per
				-- => right side: corresponding parameter names in (equivalent of) [[:en:Template:Cite web]] (if non-existent, keep empty i.e. "")
				[aliasesP.statedIn]         = "website",
				[aliasesP.referenceURL]     = "url",
				[aliasesP.publicationDate]  = "date",
				[aliasesP.retrieved]        = "access-date",
				[aliasesP.title]            = "title",
				[aliasesP.archiveURL]       = "archive-url",
				[aliasesP.archiveDate]      = "archive-date",
				[aliasesP.language]         = "language",
				[]           = "author",  -- existence of author1, author2, author3, etc. is assumed
				[aliasesP.authorNameString] = "author",
				[aliasesP.publisher]        = "publisher",
				[aliasesP.quote]            = "quote",
				[aliasesP.pages]            = "pages"  -- extra option
			["q"] = {
				-- <= left side: all allowed reference properties for *sources other than web pages* per
				-- => right side: corresponding parameter names in (equivalent of) [[:en:Template:Cite Q]] (if non-existent, keep empty i.e. "")
				[aliasesP.statedIn]                = "1",
				[aliasesP.pages]                   = "pages",
				[aliasesP.column]                  = "at",
				[aliasesP.chapter]                 = "chapter",
				[aliasesP.sectionVerseOrParagraph] = "section",
				["external-id"]                    = "id",  -- used for any type of database property ID
				[aliasesP.title]                   = "title",
				[aliasesP.publicationDate]         = "date",
				[aliasesP.retrieved]               = "access-date"

	p.getOrdinalSuffix = function(num)
		if tostring(num):sub(-2,-2) == '1' then
			return "th"  -- 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, ... 19th

		num = tostring(num):sub(-1)

		if num == '1' then
			return "st"
		elseif num == '2' then
			return "nd"
		elseif num == '3' then
			return "rd"
			return "th"

	p.addDelimiters = function(n)
		local left, num, right = string.match(n, "^([^%d]*%d)(%d*)(.-)$")

		if left and num and right then
			return left .. (num:reverse():gsub("(%d%d%d)", "%1" .. p['numeric']['delimiter']):reverse()) .. right
			return n

	return p

return p