Rules of soccer

Learn the essential rules of soccer and elevate your game to the next level. Discover the key regulations and strategies that will help you excel on the field.
This was my attempt to explain a rather simple game, soccer, in four newspaper columns of space. For the 2002 World Cup in Korea/Japan, this boilerplate infographic was created for the many US fans who enjoy watching their kids play on weekends but have a limited understanding of the basic rules. I will create a better version of this for the 2014 WC in Brazil. Football Rules, 2002 World Cup, Soccer Drills For Kids, Soccer Season, Football Drills, Soccer Workouts, Soccer Practice, Soccer Drills, Soccer Life

This was my attempt to explain a rather simple game, soccer, in four newspaper columns of space. For the 2002 World Cup in Korea/Japan, this boilerplate infographic was created for the many US fans who enjoy watching their kids play on weekends but have a limited understanding of the basic rules. I will create a better version of this for the 2014 WC in Brazil.

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