Create Word Comments via Office API

Create Word Comments via Office API



 May 17 2021
5 Comments (5 New)

Hi, Could you add functionality to create Word comments via the Office API? I know have a proof of concept, named Feedback+, in the store where we create comments into a word document. But this has a bug. It creates a paragraph everytime someone creates a comment in the document. Thanks,

Status changed to: New
Copper Contributor

+1 for this from a customer (me).


We have a large 'business rules' document being reviewed by many folks.  We are looking for efficient way to track open and closed comments and assign them - thinking of something that would show comments in excel or O365 lists or some such - best case the status of a comment in this list would be kept in 2-way sync with the doc.  I have people currently transcribing comments from word to excel to track what we still need to close - how 1990s!


The lack of an O365 MS Graph API for 'modern comments' is pretty disturbing esp given the .NET SDK has comments collection and comments API objects

Iron Contributor

This idea would be very helpful also for our business: our addin needs to add comments on complex and related documents and it also need to provide its user with the whole list of comments (cross documents) and their status.


@DorianaF , @Alex Balcanquall ,


Can your requirements about comments be met with newly released 1.4 APIs?

Word JavaScript API requirement set 1.4 - Office Add-ins | Microsoft Learn

Status changed to: Completed