Graph-API support for Roaming Signatures

Graph-API support for Roaming Signatures



 Apr 05 2024
5 Comments (5 New)

Since Microsoft released “Roaming Signatures” it has been expected that there will come support for this in the Graph API, so that external applications, for instance IAM systems, can update signatures on behalf of all users in a company.

Here is link to a discussion regarding this.

Here is link to an inquiry from the feedback portal.

From the discussion where it says that the support for this is on the roadmap, however no one can say when it will be released.



We are in desperate need for this API-support as the application we use now for managing signatures has EOL later this year, and it does not support Exchange Online due to this lack of API-support. Our organization (approx. 8000+ users) will then loose the managed signatures. This is particularly bad since we are facing a transition to the New Outlook.

We hope sincerely that Microsoft will prioritize this and release support for Roaming Signatures within the Graph API very soon.

Copper Contributor

As an alternative to Graph API support, Microsoft could release an Exchange PowerShell command to set the roaming signatures.

Copper Contributor

The official Microsoft documentation on the PostponeRoamingSignaturesUntilLater parameter of the Set-Org...cmdlet also refers to the upcoming API: 

We're working on API support so admins and ISVs can configure roaming signatures directly.

It would be helpful with an ETA.


Copper Contributor

Please can we understand where Microsoft are with delivering Exchange Roaming Signature management tools/documentation?  The New Outlook client does not support local signatures and is being installed on more and more machines as the days go by so the tools to properly administrate the Roaming Signatures have not been in any way optional or nice to have for some time now?


Please can we at least have a clue when the cmdlets and APIs for managing this are expected to be officially documented and made available to your customers, it's apparent that they are available to some developers for use in their proprietary tools for some time and we just need to publish the documentation so normal people can use it for themselves?


Please can you recognise and rapidly correct that you're railroading your customers onto a solution that you haven't released the basic tooling for large businesses to use yet?  Can you please either fix the broken local signature functionality of the New Outlook client, have it respect the intended DisableRoamingSignatures registry keys, OR release the belated Exchange Roaming Signatures tools and documentation?


Copper Contributor

This feature has been out since 2021, it's been more than enough time for this feature to be rolled out as a cmdlet or through the GraphAPI.

Need facility in Graph for managing user mail signatures · Community (

No progress nor information, Microsoft product group - Exchange - completely ignoring this feedback, request for information etc.