Template linking and transclusion check

Checks and reports which articles that transcludes a template that are not linked from the template, and which articles that are linked from a template but do not transclude it.

Results for Template:Anglican liturgy (edit)

Mismatch between transclusions and links
Transclusion but no linkLink but no transclusion

Total: 14
The Holy Eucharist: Rite Two (edit)
The Anglican Service Book (edit)
Episcopal Church (United States) (edit)
Book of Common Prayer (1928, England) (edit)
Book of Common Prayer (1549) (edit)
Book of Common Prayer (1979) (edit)
Scottish Prayer Book (1929) (edit)
Book of Common Prayer (1552) (edit)
Book of Common Prayer (1962) (edit)
Book of Common Prayer (1662) (edit)
Book of Common Prayer (1984) (edit)
Book of Common Prayer (1604) (edit)
Ordinal (liturgy) (edit)
Book of Common Prayer (1928, United States) (edit)

Total: 287
Acolyte (edit)
Ad orientem (edit)
Advent (edit)
Advent Sunday (edit)
Advent wreath (edit)
Agape feast (edit)
Agnus Dei (liturgy) (edit) Agnus Dei (edit)
Alb (edit)
All Saints' Day (edit)
Alleluia (edit)
Altar (edit)
Altar bell (edit)
Altar candle (edit)
Altar cloth (edit)
Altar lamp (edit)
Altar of repose (edit)
Altar rail (edit)
Altar server (edit)
Amice (edit)
Anamnesis (Christianity) (edit)
Anaphora (liturgy) (edit)
Anathema (edit)
Angelus (edit)
Anglican Breviary (edit)
Anglican Missal (edit)
Anglican Use (edit)
Anglican church music (edit)
Anglican devotions (edit)
Anglican sacraments (edit)
Anointing of the sick (edit)
Antependium (edit)
Antiochian Western Rite Vicariate (edit)
Antiphon (edit)
Apostles' Creed (edit)
Ash Wednesday (edit)
Aspergillum (edit)
Athanasian Creed (edit)
Bands (neckwear) (edit)
Banns of marriage (edit)
Baptism of the Lord (edit) Feast of the Baptism of the Lord (edit)
Baptismal clothing (edit)
Baptismal font (edit)
Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament (edit)
Benedictus (Song of Zechariah) (edit) Benedictus (canticle) (edit)
Bible translations into English (edit)
Biretta (edit)
Bishop (edit)
Blessed Sacrament (edit) Eucharist (edit)
Blessed salt in Christianity (edit) Blessed salt (edit)
Blood of Christ (edit)
Body of Christ (edit)
Book of Divine Worship (edit)
Candlemas (edit)
Canon of the Mass (edit)
Canonical hours (edit)
Canterbury cap (edit)
Canticle (edit)
Carol (music) (edit)
Cassock (edit)
Cassock-alb (edit)
Catechism (edit)
Ceremonial use of lights (edit)
Chasuble (edit)
Chimere (edit)
Choir (edit)
Choir dress (edit)
Choral Evensong (BBC) (edit)
Chrism (edit)
Chrism Mass (edit)
Christian burial (edit)
Christian headcovering (edit) Head covering for Christian women (edit)
Christian laying on of hands (edit)
Christian liturgy (edit)
Christmas (edit)
Christmastide (edit)
Church etiquette (edit)
Church tabernacle (edit)
Church usher (edit)
Churching of women (edit)
Churchmanship (edit)
Ciborium (container) (edit)
Cincture (edit)
Collect (edit)
Commemoration (Anglicanism) (edit)
Communion and the developmentally disabled (edit)
Communion cup (edit)
Communion table (edit)
Communion under both kinds (edit)
Compline (edit)
Confession (religion) (edit)
Confirmation (edit)
Consecration (edit) Sacredness (edit)
Convergence Movement (edit)
Cope (edit)
Crosier (edit) Crozier (edit)
Crucifer (edit)
Crucifix (edit)
Cruet (edit)
Dalmatic (edit)
Deacon (edit)
Dedication of churches (edit)
Deus, in adiutorium meum intende (edit)
Directory for Public Worship (edit)
Divine Worship: The Missal (edit)
Dominus vobiscum (edit)
Easter (edit)
Easter Vigil (edit)
Eastertide (edit)
Ecclesiastical Latin (edit)
Embolism (liturgy) (edit)
English Missal (edit)
Epiclesis (edit)
Epiphany (holiday) (edit)
Epiphanytide (edit) Epiphany season (edit)
Episcopal blessing (edit)
Epistle (edit)
Eucharistic adoration (edit)
Eucharistic discipline (edit)
Evangeliary (edit)
Ex opere operato (edit)
Exorcism in Christianity (edit)
Exsultet (edit)
Fasting (edit)
Feast of Christ the King (edit)
Feast of the Annunciation (edit)
Feast of the Ascension (edit)
Festival (Anglicanism) (edit)
Flagon (edit)
Fraction (religion) (edit)
Fraction anthem (edit)
Gaiters (edit)
Gaudete Sunday (edit)
General Intercessions (edit)
Geneva gown (edit) Pulpit gown (edit)
Genuflection (edit)
Girdle (edit)
Gloria Patri (edit)
Gloria in Excelsis Deo (edit) Gloria in excelsis Deo (edit)
Good Friday (edit)
Good Friday Prayer (edit) Good Friday prayer (edit)
Good Friday Prayer for the Jews (edit) Good Friday prayer for the Jews (edit)
Gospel (liturgy) (edit)
Grace in Christianity (edit)
Great Four Anglican Hymns (edit) Hymnology (edit)
Holy Communion (edit) Eucharist (edit)
Holy Saturday (edit)
Holy Thursday (edit) Maundy Thursday (edit)
Holy Week (edit)
Holy water (edit)
Host desecration (edit)
Humeral veil (edit)
Hymns to Mary (edit)
Improperia (edit)
Intinction (edit)
Introit (edit)
Invitatory (edit)
John Merbecke (edit)
Kingdomtide (edit)
Kiss of peace (edit)
Koinonia (edit)
Kyrie (edit)
Laetare Sunday (edit)
Laity (edit)
Last Gospel (edit)
Last Supper (edit)
Latitudinarian (edit)
Lection (edit)
Lectionary (edit)
Lector (edit)
Lent (edit)
Lesser Festival (Anglicanism) (edit)
List of Anglican Church calendars (edit)
List of Anglican church composers (edit)
List of English-language hymnals by denomination (edit)
Liturgical Movement (edit)
Liturgical book (edit)
Liturgical colours (edit)
Liturgical year (edit)
Liturgy of Saint Tikhon (edit)
Lord's Prayer (edit)
Magnificat (edit)
Maniple (vestment) (edit)
Marriage vows (edit)
Mass (liturgy) (edit)
Mass (music) (edit)
Mass of the Lord's Supper (edit)
Mass of the Presanctified (edit)
Matins (edit)
Maundy (foot washing) (edit)
Means of grace (edit)
Memorial Acclamation (edit)
Metrical psalter (edit)
Midnight Mass (edit)
Millenary Petition (edit)
Minor exorcism in Christianity (edit)
Mitre (edit)
Monstrance (edit)
Nicene Creed (edit)
Nunc dimittis (edit)
O Antiphons (edit)
Oblation (edit)
Offertory (edit)
Open communion (edit)
Ordination (edit)
Oremus (edit)
Origin of the Eucharist (edit)
Palm Sunday (edit)
Palm branch (edit)
Paschal Triduum (edit)
Paschal greeting (edit)
Paschal mystery (edit)
Passion Sunday (edit)
Passion of Jesus (edit)
Passiontide (edit)
Paten (edit)
Pectoral cross (edit)
Pentecost (edit)
Personal ordinariate (edit)
Phos hilarion (edit) Phos Hilaron (edit)
Pontifical vestments (edit)
Prayer Book Rebellion (edit)
Prayer for the dead (edit)
Pre-Lent (edit)
Preces (edit)
Preface (liturgy) (edit)
Priest (edit)
Priestly Blessing (edit)
Principal Feast (edit)
Principal Holy Day (Anglicanism) (edit)
Processional cross (edit)
Processional hymn (edit)
Psalms (edit)
Psalter (edit)
Pyx (edit)
Reader (liturgy) (edit)
Real presence of Christ in the Eucharist (edit)
Recessional hymn (edit) Processional hymn (edit)
Reformed worship (edit)
Religious use of incense (edit)
Requiem (edit)
Reserved sacrament (edit)
Responsory (edit)
Revised Common Lectionary (edit)
Rochet (edit)
Rood (edit)
Rood screen (edit)
Sacramental bread (edit)
Sacramental wine (edit)
Salvation in Christianity (edit)
Sanctuary lamp (edit)
Sanctus (edit)
Sarum Rite (edit) Use of Sarum (edit)
Sermon (edit)
Service (music) (edit)
Seven Last Words from the Cross (edit) Sayings of Jesus on the cross (edit)
Sign of the cross (edit)
Spiritual Communion (edit) Spiritual communion (edit)
Stations of the Cross (edit)
Stir-up Sunday (edit)
Stole (vestment) (edit)
Surplice (edit)
Sursum corda (edit)
Te Deum (edit)
Ten Commandments (edit)
Tenebrae (edit)
Thanksgiving after Communion (edit)
The Parson's Handbook (edit)
Thirty-nine Articles (edit)
Thomas Cranmer (edit)
Thou (edit)
Three Hours' Agony (edit)
Thurible (edit)
Tippet (edit)
To Thee before the close of day (edit) Te lucis ante terminum (edit)
Trinitarian formula (edit)
Trinity Sunday (edit)
Tunicle (edit)
Veil (edit)
Verger (edit)
Versus populum (edit)
Vestment (edit)
Vestments controversy (edit)
Vimpa (edit)
Voluntary (music) (edit)
Wedding ring (edit)
Words of Institution (edit)
Zucchetto (edit)

 Links to redirects

Total: 24
Agnus Dei (liturgy) (edit) Agnus Dei (edit)
Anglican eucharistic theology (edit) Eucharist in Anglicanism (edit)
Baptism of the Lord (edit) Feast of the Baptism of the Lord (edit)
Benedictus (Song of Zechariah) (edit) Benedictus (canticle) (edit)
Bidding-prayer (edit) Bidding prayer (edit)
Blessed Sacrament (edit) Eucharist (edit)
Blessed salt in Christianity (edit) Blessed salt (edit)
Christian headcovering (edit) Head covering for Christian women (edit)
Consecration (edit) Sacredness (edit)
Crosier (edit) Crozier (edit)
Epiphanytide (edit) Epiphany season (edit)
Geneva gown (edit) Pulpit gown (edit)
Gloria in Excelsis Deo (edit) Gloria in excelsis Deo (edit)
Good Friday Prayer (edit) Good Friday prayer (edit)
Good Friday Prayer for the Jews (edit) Good Friday prayer for the Jews (edit)
Great Four Anglican Hymns (edit) Hymnology (edit)
Holy Communion (edit) Eucharist (edit)
Holy Thursday (edit) Maundy Thursday (edit)
Phos hilarion (edit) Phos Hilaron (edit)
Recessional hymn (edit) Processional hymn (edit)
Sarum Rite (edit) Use of Sarum (edit)
Seven Last Words from the Cross (edit) Sayings of Jesus on the cross (edit)
Spiritual Communion (edit) Spiritual communion (edit)
To Thee before the close of day (edit) Te lucis ante terminum (edit)


Complete report...

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