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  • Astro-Numerology July 2024: Sanjay B Jumaani's Predictions for Each Number (1-9)

Astro-Numerology July 2024: Sanjay B Jumaani's Predictions for Each Number (1-9)

Astro-Numerology July 2024: Sanjay B Jumaani's Predictions for Each Number (1-9)

Astro-Numerology July 2024: Sanjay B Jumaani's Predictions for Each Number (1-9)

Numerology Predictions for July 2024

Numerology Predictions for July 2024

As we bring this interesting Numerology Predictions every month for you all so that you can check out your monthly predictions and let us know how did you find it..!!

​Number 1; Those born on the 1st, 10th, 19th & 28th of any month

​Number 1; Those born on the 1st, 10th, 19th & 28th of any month

This month, influenced by the Zodiac signs Cancer (2) and Leo (1), is highly favourable for you, number 1’s. Expect more opportunities than in previous months, but be sure to choose the best ones.

If you're considering marriage or a job change, keep your eyes wide open as this month brings more promising prospects than before. Finances are likely to improve, but the challenge will be to manage and retain your earnings.

​Number 2; Those born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th & 29th of any month

​Number 2; Those born on the 2nd, 11th, 20th & 29th of any month

This is your month, governed by Cancer (2) and Leo (1), both of which are favourable for you. This period can exceed some of your aspirations. The Moon, your ruler, enhances your creativity and dreams, making not just this month but the entire year 2024 lucky for you.

If you manage your moods, fame awaits you. Honors, awards, and recognition are within reach if you trust your intuition. Those dealing with health issues can expect recovery. Eligible singles, now is the time to mingle!

​Number 3; Those born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st & 30th of any month

​Number 3; Those born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st & 30th of any month

Remember, you've faced and overcome the toughest situations with bravery; Tough times don’t last, but tough people do! While you've set high standards for achievements, it's okay to rely on past laurels occasionally. Your hardworking and enterprising nature will see you through.

Focus on your loved ones and be there for them when they need you the most. Not being expressive in matters of love and affection won't work forever, so it's important to improve in this area.

​Number 4; Those born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd & 31st of any month

​Number 4; Those born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd & 31st of any month

This month is governed by the Cancer (2) and Leo (1) signs, both of which are linked with your ruler, Uranus (4). This planetary alignment suggests that you’ll enjoy a significant share of good fortune!

For those eager to prove their mettle, now is the time to invest and capitalize on all your resources towards achieving your ambitions. Seize the opportunities that come your way and make the most of them.

Students, this is also a period ripe with potential for you. It promises to be a learning and enriching experience, full of new insights and knowledge.

​Number 5; Those born on the 5th, 14th & 23rd of any month

​Number 5; Those born on the 5th, 14th & 23rd of any month

The second half of this month is ruled by the number 1 (Sun). Mercury (5, your number) melts with heat, and number 1 (Sun) is fiery. The key is to manage your impulses and aggression, and focus on the more meaningful tasks at hand. Next month, however, will be governed by your number, so you have much to look forward to.

Leverage your communication and convincing skills to your advantage, but remember that being a good listener is equally important. If you persist, you will succeed, even if progress is slower than you would like. Stay patient and remain in the game.

​Number 6; Those born on the 6th, 15th & 24th of any month

​Number 6; Those born on the 6th, 15th & 24th of any month

This month will gift you the privilege of ambition, allowing you to translate your goals into reality with your creative intellect. However, don't get discouraged if your efforts don't immediately bear fruit. Even if this month isn't perfect, remember that the entire year 2024 (a year governed by the number 6) is favourable for you.

Your charismatic nature can charm the best, so rely on this aspect of your personality. Although you tend to be a spendthrift, don't let this indulgent month get the best of your cravings. Focus on curbing your spending to cover only your necessities.

​Number 7; Those born on the 7th, 16th & 25th of any month

​Number 7; Those born on the 7th, 16th & 25th of any month

July is governed by numbers 2 and 1, both of which are your lucky numbers. This alignment makes for a promising period where you are likely to be more active than in the past few months.

You will find yourself comfortably balancing between spiritual and materialistic pursuits, with a foot in each realm. Your past efforts may finally bring you the recognition and rewards you've been working toward. Financial prospects look positive as well, offering stability and growth. This month also bodes well for alliances and partnerships, both personally and professionally.

​Number 8; Those born on the 8th, 17th & 26th of any month

​Number 8; Those born on the 8th, 17th & 26th of any month

Those looking to get hitched may find more opportunities coming their way this month. The dynamic between number 1 (Sun, ruling July) and your number, 8 (Saturn), is like that of father and son, encompassing both love and tension. Therefore, it's important not to push matters to the brink. Avoid procrastination and complete your targets in a timely manner, as time can be unpredictable.

In matters of relationships and romance, don’t let shyness make you miss out. If you can't be loud and bold, at least try to come out of your shell. It's a beautiful world out there, waiting for you to explore and enjoy!