Savings Account

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Savings Account

11 Nov, 2022
2 hrs 0 mins
Crime Action
Streaming on: ZEE5
Critic's Rating
Savings Account


A man enters a bank and decides to hold people hostage until his demands are met with.

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Savings Account Review : Ankush is the Saving Grace in this Dismal Drama

Critic's Rating: 2.5/5
Money heist, especially those involving banks is a common, thrilling trope that has recently become quite popular, and perhaps this is what the makers of this film had in mind when creating the plot. However, Savings Account remains confused as to what it truly represents – a revenge saga, a drama, or a thriller, since the premises of the story look extremely unrealistic and improbable as it unfolds.

Ankush is Abhimanyu, a man who decides to go to a bank and create chaos by holding its staff, and a few other people who had come to the bank, hostage. However, it seems no one takes him or his assistant seriously for quite some time, even when guns are being held at their faces. They seem to ignore the fact that the bank is being robbed until someone gets hurt, and then the hostage situation turns even stranger when the robber starts demanding certain ‘tasks’ are performed for him to ensure their safety and release.

The plot is pretty weak to begin with, and the absurd demands as well as negotiation and dialogues make the story even more unbelievable. Ankush is a good actor and portrays his role bravely, and is perhaps the best thing about this film. Dialogues leave a lot to be desired, and sharp, sped up editing couldn’t save the shaky camera movements. Sayantika Banerjee looks good but her expressions leave a lot to be desired. In most scenes, she is furious, worried, disgusted or upset, but her expressions don’t seem to change much. Dramatic music and fast cuts mostly follow her around, but that still can’t compensate for it.

A few lame jokes and funny characters are introduced to lighten the mood, but they end up being annoying. Also, there are quite a few social issues that are addressed, but in the end, they don’t seem to matter in face of a weak script and unconvincing acting that leaves the audience disillusioned.

Users' Reviews


User43602 days ago

Good movie, Ankush Hazra Acting Superb

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