5 exercises that help lower cholesterol levels naturally

Discover the shocking truth about how simple exercises like walking, cycling, jogging, and yoga can dramatically lower your cholesterol levels and transform your heart health. Say goodbye to high cholesterol and hello to a healthier you with these 5 proven exercises!
5 exercises that help lower cholesterol levels naturally

Cholesterol is a critical substance in our bodies that plays a significant role in building cells and producing certain hormones. However, high levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) can lead to serious health issues such as heart disease and stroke. To our relief, we can take steps to lower cholesterol naturally, and regular exercise is one of the most effective ways to achieve this.
Here are 5 exercises that have been proven to help reduce cholesterol levels and boost our heart health.

The most simple and effective way is walking

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One of the easiest and most accessible exercises to lower cholesterol is walking. Studies show that walking at a medium pace for 30 to 60 minutes most days of the week can significantly lower LDL cholesterol and raise good cholesterol (HDL). Research published in the journal "Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology" suggests that walking can help reduce bad cholesterol by up to 7%. So, lace up your sneakers and take a stroll in your neighbourhood or a nearby park.

How does pedalling help?

Cycling is another effective exercise for lowering cholesterol levels. Whether on a stationary bike or riding through the streets, cycling helps increase HDL cholesterol while lowering LDL cholesterol. A study conducted by the "Journal of the American Heart Association" found that adults who cycled regularly experienced a significant reduction in LDL cholesterol levels and improved overall cardiovascular health. Aim for 30 minutes of cycling, three to five times a week, to see benefits.

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Jogging is a fantastic way to boost heart health and reduce cholesterol levels. It helps burn calories, improve cardiovascular fitness, and increase HDL cholesterol. According to a study in the "Journal of the American College of Cardiology," regular jogging can significantly reduce LDL cholesterol levels and lower the risk of heart disease. Add jogging into your routine for 20-30 minutes, three to four times a week, for optimal results.


Yoga might not be the first exercise that comes to mind when thinking about lowering cholesterol, but it can be incredibly effective. Yoga helps reduce stress, which is linked to higher cholesterol levels. Research from the "Indian Heart Journal" found that practising yoga regularly can help reduce LDL cholesterol and improve heart health. Try to include yoga sessions for 30 minutes, three times a week, focusing on poses that enhance cardiovascular health.

Build muscle, burn cholesterol

Strength training is essential for overall health and can help lower cholesterol levels by improving body composition and increasing metabolism. A study published in "Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise" found that resistance training helped lower LDL cholesterol and raise HDL cholesterol in adults. Add strength training exercises, such as weight lifting or bodyweight exercises, at least twice a week for the best results.
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