Sharpen your eyes and vision? Eat these foods daily

Maintaining good vision is essential for overall health. Consuming foods rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals can help protect against age-related eye conditions. Vitamin A supports eye development, while Omega-3 fatty acids maintain eye health. Encourage children to eat a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables for good vision health.
Sharpen your eyes and vision? Eat these foods daily

Eye – Smart eats

From childhood, nurturing vision health is crucial for the overall development and well-being of children in later life. The food that they consume impacts not only on maintaining good eyesight but also in preventing vision problems in later life as they grow. Listed below are some foods that you must consume to sharpen your eyes and maintain good vision.

Protecting against age-related conditions

A diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals ensures to protect the eyesight from age-related conditions that develop in later life. Antioxidants like Vitamin C, E & beta carotene which is naturally found in The fruits Orange, Berries, Carrots and vegetables spinach, and broccoli. These antioxidants help to reduce the number of free radicals produced in the body which can damage the eyes over time.

Supports visual development

Eye growth and development are rapid during childhood. Vitamin A is essential for maintaining healthy vision and supports the development of the retina and other eye tissues. Food sources like dairy products, eggs and green leafy vegetables are rich in vitamin A.

Enhancing Visual function

According to Dr. Rohini Patil, MBBS, nutritionist, founder, Nutracy Lifestyle, “Omega 3 fatty acids support visual functions by maintaining the structural integrity of the cell membrane in the retina. It also protects against Inflammation by acting as an antioxidant. Food sources fatty fish (salmon), walnuts, and flaxseeds are abundant in omega-3.”

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Strengthening eye health against environmental factors

Nowadays children often spend most of their time there by exposing the screen and TV which can induce strain on their eyes. Vitamin E-rich foods like nuts, protect the eyes and prevent inflammation and oxidative damage caused due to prolonged screen time and pollution in the environment.

Building a foundation for lifelong health

Prioritizing and introducing healthy eating habits from childhood can be beneficial in building a foundation for lifelong health. Encouraging children to eat colorful vegetables, fruits, and whole grains to ensure good vision health.

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TOI Lifestyle Desk

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