Types of cancer caused by drinking alcohol

Alcohol consumption is strongly linked to various types of cancer, including mouth, throat, liver, breast, colorectal, and stomach cancer. Understanding these risks is crucial for making informed decisions about alcohol use and overall health.
Types of cancer caused by drinking alcohol
In many cases, the advantages of alcohol for relaxing and socializing outweigh the dangers of binge drinking. While the link between alcohol and liver disease is widely recognized, fewer people are aware of the significant role alcohol plays in the onset of cancer. Because of this, a great number of people are put in danger, underscoring the critical need to raise public awareness and educate the public.
Understanding how alcohol affects cancer risk is crucial for both early detection and prevention of the illness. Numerous studies have shown a connection between alcohol use and the emergence of various cancer types. Even though individuals are becoming more conscious of alcohol's harmful effects, many are still ignorant about the particular cancer risks it poses. Making judgments about drinking habits requires knowledge of these hazards.

How alcohol increases cancer risk

Through a number of approaches, alcohol drinking drastically increases the risk of cancer. Alcohol is transformed by the body's metabolism into acetaldehyde, a hazardous substance that can harm a cell's DNA and proteins and cause mutations that support cancer. Furthermore, alcohol has been linked to elevated levels of several hormones, including estrogen, which is linked to a higher risk of breast cancer.
According to Dr. Raman Narang, Senior Consultant - Medical Oncologist, Andromeda Cancer Hospital, Sonipat, “In addition to causing liver illnesses including cirrhosis, prolonged alcohol use raises the chance of liver cancer. Alcohol also impairs the body's capacity to absorb and use vital nutrients, which erodes the body's resistance to cancer. Last but not least, alcohol serves as a solvent, increasing the absorption of additional carcinogens, like those in tobacco smoke, increasing the danger for people who smoke and drink.”

Types of Cancer Linked to Alcohol Consumption

1. Mouth and Throat Cancer
Drinking alcohol increases the risk of oral, pharyngeal, and laryngeal malignancies significantly. Alcohol can intensify the carcinogenic effects of tobacco, thus persons who also use tobacco are at an increased risk.
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2. Esophageal Cancer
The risk of esophageal cancer, especially squamous cell carcinoma, is increased by alcohol consumption. Those who drink a lot of alcohol for a long time are more likely to develop this kind of cancer.

3. Liver Cancer
Cirrhosis and liver inflammation, two conditions that increase the risk of liver cancer, can be brought on by long-term alcohol abuse. The liver is especially susceptible to the cancer-causing properties of alcohol because of its function in detoxifying dangerous chemicals.

4. Breast Cancer
Women who drink alcohol, even in moderation, are more likely to develop breast cancer. Alcohol's ability to raise estrogen levels is thought to have a major role in this elevated risk.
5. Colorectal Cancer
Research has indicated a connection between alcohol intake and an increased risk of colon and rectal cancers. Both men and women are at danger, and the risk rises with more alcohol intake.
6. Stomach Cancer
According to several studies, drinking alcohol may raise your risk of developing stomach cancer, especially upper stomach tumors that are close to the esophagus.
Although many people drink alcohol in order to relax and socialize it's important to understand the major health concerns it poses, especially given its link to a number of cancers. Lowering alcohol use or quitting completely may significantly decrease the chance of getting certain malignancies. To make educated judgments about their drinking habits and general health, people should consider the advantages and disadvantages of alcohol use and consult with doctors.

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TOI Lifestyle Desk

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