Jul 1, 2024

​10 Korean habits that Indians should steal

Shifa Khan

​​Healthy Korean habits to embrace​

Korean culture has garnered global admiration for its focus on health, well-being, and holistic living. From their meticulous skincare routines to their balanced diets, Koreans have cultivated habits that promote long-term health and happiness. Here are 10 healthy Korean habits that Indians should consider incorporating into their daily lives.


​​Fermented foods for gut health​

Fermented foods like kimchi and yogurt are staples in the Korean diet. These foods are rich in probiotics, which promote a healthy gut microbiome. Indians can benefit from adding more fermented foods such as homemade yogurt, pickles, and traditional fermented drinks to their diets.


​​Hydration with barley tea​

Barley tea (bori cha) is a popular beverage in Korea, known for its hydrating and digestive benefits. Replacing sugary drinks with barley tea can help Indians stay hydrated, improve digestion, and enjoy a refreshing, caffeine-free alternative.


​​Regular physical activity​

Koreans place a strong emphasis on regular exercise, including walking, hiking, and gym workouts. Indians can adopt this habit by incorporating more physical activities into their daily routines, such as morning walks, yoga sessions, or weekend hikes, to maintain fitness and reduce stress.


​​Balanced diet rich in vegetables​

Korean cuisine emphasizes fresh vegetables, lean proteins, and fermented foods like kimchi. Incorporating more vegetables and fermented foods into the Indian diet can improve gut health, boost immunity, and provide essential nutrients for overall well-being.


​​Mindful eating practices​

Koreans practice mindful eating, paying attention to portion sizes and savoring each bite. Indians can benefit from this habit by slowing down during meals, focusing on the flavors and textures of their food, and avoiding overeating, which can lead to better digestion and weight management.


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​​Community meals and family time​

Sharing meals with family and friends is a cherished tradition in Korea. Indians can strengthen family bonds and enhance their social well-being by prioritizing regular family meals, encouraging open communication, and fostering a sense of togetherness.


​​Importance of breakfast​

Koreans never skip breakfast and often enjoy nutritious, balanced morning meals. Indians can improve their energy levels and overall health by incorporating a healthy breakfast into their daily routine, including whole grains, fruits, and proteins.


​​Traditional herbal teas​

Koreans consume various herbal teas, such as ginseng tea and green tea, for their health benefits. Indians can explore and adopt similar herbal teas known for their antioxidant properties, digestive benefits, and calming effects.


​​Comprehensive skincare routine​

Koreans are renowned for their elaborate skincare routines, which typically include multiple steps such as double cleansing, toning, moisturizing, and sun protection. Adopting a similar regimen can help Indians combat skin issues caused by pollution and harsh weather, ensuring a radiant and healthy complexion.


​​Respect for elders and mental well-being​

Koreans deeply respect their elders and prioritize mental well-being through practices like meditation and mindfulness. Indians can enhance their mental health by practicing gratitude, respecting family traditions, and incorporating mindfulness techniques into their daily lives.


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Next: 10 preventive tips against dengue infection