Jul 4, 2024

​Top 10 Most Dangerous Animals in India

Anushka Srivastava

Deadliest Animals in India

There are more than 1.2 million species in this world, but which animals are known to be most dangerous and lethal on this planet? We have compiled a list of 10 deadliest animals that are native to India.


​Indian Saw-scaled Viper

These carnivorous reptiles are extremely aggressive, with twice more lethal doses of venom in each bite. They can be found in the Middle East, Central Asia, and across the Indian subcontinent.


​Russell's Viper

It is one of the most dangerous snakes in all of Asia, accounting for thousands of deaths each year. If bitten people experience symptoms like pain, swelling, vomiting, dizziness, blood-in-coagulability and kidney failure.


Asian Giant Hornet

If stung with their venom, humans can die of failure in kidney or multiple organs. They have a reputation of wiping out entire colonies of bees and insects.


Indian Red Scorpion

These scorpions don't hunt people but if threatened can attack. Their sting is venomous enough to kill children.​


​Common Krait

Also known as Bengal snake, it is a highly venomous snake. The bite of the snake is painless, but it can kill adults in a matter of hours.


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Mugger and saltwater crocodiles are very dangerous kinds of crocodiles found in India. They can grow up to 14 and 23 feet respectively. The speed and bites of these crocodiles make them fatal to living beings.


King Cobra

Native to the Indian subcontinent, these snakes are among the four snakes who cause most snake bites in India. While they usually avoid humans, if they feel threatened they can attack rapidly and cause death in most cases.


Bengal Tiger

Bengal Tigers are known to be maneaters and can eat up to 60 pounds of meat in a single night. They are extremely lethal and swift.



Known to be the most aggressive of all big cats, they sometimes venture too close to human populated areas in search of food, and kill people who come in their way.


​Indian Wolf

Indian Wolves have a history of child preying. These wolves are responsible for killing thousands of humans in the past 100 years.


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