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[[File:Microsoft Office PowerPoint (2019–present).svg|thumb|Wei yɛ Microsoft PowerPoint ho mfonini]]
[[File:Microsoft Office PowerPoint (2019–present).svg|thumb|Wei yɛ Microsoft PowerPoint ho mfonini]]
[[File:Microsoft PowerPoint - Design Menu.png|thumb|Sɛnea wɔde Microsoft PowerPoint yɛ adwuma]]
'''Microsoft PowerPoint''' yɛ nkyerɛkyerɛmu nhyehyɛe<ref name="britannica.com">{{Citation |title=Microsoft PowerPoint {{!}} Definition, History, & Facts {{!}} Britannica |date=2023-06-21 |url=https://www.britannica.com/technology/Microsoft-PowerPoint |language=en |access-date=2023-08-04}}</ref> anaasɛ kɔmputa dwumadie a ɛboa ma wotumi de mfoni ne nneɛma ahodoɔ kyerɛkyerɛ ɔkasa bi ma emu da hɔ.
'''Microsoft PowerPoint''' yɛ nkyerɛkyerɛmu nhyehyɛe<ref name="britannica.com">{{Citation |title=Microsoft PowerPoint {{!}} Definition, History, & Facts {{!}} Britannica |date=2023-06-21 |url=https://www.britannica.com/technology/Microsoft-PowerPoint |language=en |access-date=2023-08-04}}</ref> anaasɛ kɔmputa dwumadie a ɛboa ma wotumi de mfoni ne nneɛma ahodoɔ kyerɛkyerɛ ɔkasa bi ma emu da hɔ.
[[File:Microsoft PowerPoint 2013-2019 logo.svg|thumb]]
[[File:Microsoft PowerPoint 2013-2019 logo.svg|thumb]]

Nkyerɛmu a ɛba yɛ nkyɛe abiri 13:23, 18 Oforisuo 2024

Wɔatwerɛ nsɛm wei ɛwɔ Asante kasa mu
Microsoft PowerPoint
application, mobile app, presentation program
part ofMicrosoft Office Sesa
has usepresentation program Sesa
followsMultiplan Sesa
distributed byMicrosoft Software Assurance Sesa
developerMicrosoft Sesa
platformiOS, Android, Microsoft Windows, macOS Sesa
software version identifier2312 (Build 17126.20132) Sesa
wɔn wɛbsaethttp://office.microsoft.com/PowerPoint, https://www.microsoft.com/ja-jp/microsoft-365/powerpoint Sesa
official blog URLhttps://blogs.office.com/en-us/powerpoint/ Sesa
copyright licenseproprietary license Sesa
copyright statuscopyrighted Sesa
ACM Classification Code (2012)10011518 Sesa
file extensionppt Sesa
category for files created with programCategory:Created with Microsoft PowerPoint Sesa
Wei yɛ Microsoft PowerPoint ho mfonini

Microsoft PowerPoint yɛ nkyerɛkyerɛmu nhyehyɛe[1] anaasɛ kɔmputa dwumadie a ɛboa ma wotumi de mfoni ne nneɛma ahodoɔ kyerɛkyerɛ ɔkasa bi ma emu da hɔ.

Robert Gaskins ne Dennis Austin na wɔyɛe wɔ software adwumakuw bi a wɔfrɛ no Forethought, Inc. Wɔyii no adi wɔ Ayɛwohomumɔ da a ɛtɔ so 20, afe 1987 mu[2]. Mfitiaseɛ no, wɔyɛ maa Macintosh kɔmputa nko ara. Microsoft nyaa PowerPoint de gyee bɛyɛ dɔla ɔpepem 14 wɔ asram abiɛsa akyi wɔ bere a epuei akyi[1]. Eyi ne ade titiriw a edi kan a Microsoft gyee, na Microsoft hyehyɛɛ adwumayɛkuw foforo maa PowerPoint wɔ Silicon Valley baabi a na Forethought wɔ no[3].

PowerPoint bɛyɛɛ Microsoft Office suite no fa. Wɔdii kan de maeɛ wɔ Macintosh[4] so wɔ afe 1989 mu na afei nso wɔde maeɛ wɔ Windows[5] so wɔ afe 1990; a ɛboaboaa Microsoft app ahodoɔ pii ano. Efi PowerPoint 4.0 (1994) so ​​no, wɔde PowerPoint kaa Microsoft Office nkɔsoɔ ho, na wɔfaa nneɛma a ɛkeka bom yɛ adwuma koro ara bi[6].

Na PowerPoint gua so kyɛfa sua koraa mfitiaseɛ no, ansa na wɔde Microsoft Windows nkyerɛaseɛ bi reba, nanso ɛnyinii ntɛmntɛm berɛ a Windows ne Office nyaa nkɔsoɔ no[7]. Efi afe 1990 mfeɛ no awieeɛ no, PowerPoint wiase nyinaa gua so kyɛfa a ɛwɔ wɔ nkyerɛkyerɛmu software mu no anya nkɔso pii. Wɔbu akontaa sɛ ɛyɛ ɔha biara mu nkyem 95[8].

Mfitiaseɛ no wɔyɛɛ PowerPoint sɛ ɛbɛboa ma wɔde mfonini ayɛ ��kasa mu nkyerɛkyerɛmu wɔ adwumayɛkuo nhyiamu ase, nanso wɔde adi dwuma kɛseɛ wɔ nkitahodiɛ tebea foforɔ pii mu, wɔ adwumayɛ mu ne dwumadie ahoroɔ pii ase[9]. Wɔahu nkɛntɛnso a PowerPoint a wɔde di dwuma kɛse yi anya; sɛ nsakrae a tumi wom wɔ ɔmanfo nyinaa mu[10]. Wɔde afotuo a ɛfata wɔ sɛnea ɛsɛ sɛ wɔde PowerPoint di dwuma nso aka hon. Afotuo no bi ne sɛ ɛsɛ sɛ wɔde di dwuma kakraa bi[11], ɛsɛ sɛ wɔde di dwuma wɔ ɔkwan soronko[12] so, anaasɛ ɛsɛ sɛ wɔde di dwuma yiye ka ho[13].Wɔde PowerPoint a edi kan (Macintosh 1987) dii dwuma de yɛɛ overhead transparencies, nea ɛtɔ so mmienu (Macintosh 1988, Windows 1990) nso tumi yɛɛ kɔla 35 mm mfoni. Nkyerɛaseɛ a ɛtɔ so mmiɛnsa (Windows ne Macintosh 1992) de video a ɛfiri virtual slideshows mu baa digyital projectors mu, a berɛ rekɔ so no ɛbɛsi physical transparencies ne slides ananmu koraa. Efiri saa berɛ no, nkyerɛaseɛ akɛseɛ dumienu de nneɛma foforɔ pii ne akwan a wɔfa so yɛ adwuma nso aka ho ma PowerPoint atumi ayɛ adwuma a ɛboro Apple Macintosh ne Microsoft Windows so, de nkyerɛaseɛ a wɔde yɛ iOS, Android, ne wɛb nso aka ho.

Sɛnea wɔde di dwuma[sesa]

Na wobetumi de PowerPoint (1987 ma Macintosh) a edi kan koraa no atintim nkratafa tuntum ne fitaa. Na wɔbɛyɛ ho mfonini wɔ sini a ɛda adi nkrataa so de akyerɛ afi mfiri a wɔde kyerɛ nneɛma a wɔ soro so (projector), na wɔde tintim akasamu nsɛm ne atiefo nkrataa; wɔtrɛw nea edi hɔ (1988 ma Macintosh, 1990 ma Windows) no mu ma ɛsan nso yɛɛ kɔla 35mm slides denam file bi a wɔde fa modem so de kɔ Genigraphics mfoninitwa beaɛ. Na slide ahorow bi nso wɔ hɔ a wɔde ba anadwo biara sɛnea ɛbɛyɛ a wɔde bedi dwuma wɔ slide projectors so. Wɔde PowerPoint dii dwuma de yɛɛ nhyehyɛe na wɔde siesiee asɛm bi a wɔbɛka, nanso ɛnyɛ sɛ wɔde bɛma ɔkasa no ankasa (sɛ yɛde sɛnea ɔkasa no bɛkɔ a wɔdi kan hwɛ wɔ kɔmputa so, anaasɛ krataa a wɔatintim a wɔkyekyɛ no to nkyɛn a).[14]

PowerPoint dwumadie sesaeɛ kɛseɛ wɔ ne nkyerɛaseɛ a ɛtɔ so mmiɛnsa (1992 ma Windows ne Macintosh), berɛ a wɔtrɛw PowerPoint mu ma ɛsan nso de nkyerɛkyerɛmu ma denam video a wɔde kyerɛ tẽẽ a wɔyɛ kɔ digital projector anaa monitor akɛseɛ so.[14] Wɔ 1992 mu no, na video a wɔde kyerɛ nsɛm a wɔka kyerɛ no ho yɛ na na ne bo yɛ den, na ɛkame ayɛ sɛ na wonnim ho nsɛm pii anaa sɛnea wɔde di dwuma wɔ kɔmputa so so. Robert Gaskins, animdefoɔ a wɔyɛɛ PowerPoint no mu baako kaa sɛ ɔdaa saa dwumadie no adi wɔ baguam berɛ a ɛdi kan wɔ Microsoft nhyiamu kɛseɛ bi a wɔyɛɛ no ​​Paris wɔ Ɔpɛpɔn 25, 1992, wɔ PowerPoint nkɔsoɔ nhyiamu bi ase. Wɔde PowerPoint 3.0 a na wɔnnya nyii no adi a wɔde dii dwuma wɔ pre-production so nhwɛsode a ɛyɛ laptop a ɛwɔ kɔla foforo a tumi wom na ɛma video projector a ɛyɛ adwumaden a ɛwɔ asa no mu no nsɛm.[15]

Bɛyɛ afe 2003, mfe du akyi no, na dijitaal projection abɛyɛ ɔkwan titiriw a wɔfa so de di dwuma, na ɛde transparencies ne 35mm slides ne wɔn projectors besi ananmu.[16][17]

Wɔ nnɛyi dwumadie mu no, wɔde PowerPoint di dwuma de yɛ fael (file a wɔfrɛ no "presentation" anaa "deck") a nkratafa a ɛtoatoa so (a wɔfrɛ no "slides" wɔ app no ​​mu) a ɛtaa wɔ ɔkwan a ɛkɔ so daa (a efi template masters hɔ), ne nea etumi kura nsɛm a wɔde fi app afoforo mu anaa wɔayɛ wɔ PowerPoint mu, a nsɛm, nsem ntiantia, pon, nhyehyɛe, nsusuwii a wɔatwe, mfonini, ɔdio clips, video clips, nneɛma a ɛyɛ anigye, ne nsakrae a ɛyɛ anigye a ɛkɔ slide ahorow ntam, ne nsɛm a wɔde abata ho ama slide biara ka ho.[18]

Sɛ wɔyɛ fael a ɛte saa wie a, adwuma a wɔtaa yɛ ne sɛ wɔde kɔmputa no yi no sɛ sini anaa slide show. Afei wɔde kɔmputa no screen kyerɛ "presenter view" a ɛwɔ slide a aduru so no , slide a edi hɔ, ɔkasafo nsɛm a ɔkyerɛw ma slide biara ho, ne nsɛm afoforo so.[19] Wɔde video fi kɔmputa so kɔ abɔnten dijitaal projector anaa monitor biako anaa nea ɛboro saa so, na eyi slide aduru so no nkutoo kyerɛ atiefo, na ɔkasafoɔ a ɔwɔ kɔmputa no so no na ɛhwɛ sɛnea wɔahyehyɛ no nnidiso nnidiso. Smartphone remote control a wɔde ahyɛ PowerPoint mu ama iOS (wɔpɛ sɛ wodi so fi Apple Watch)[20] ne Android[21] ma nea ɔde rekyerɛ no tumi hwɛ ɔyɛkyerɛ no so fi baabi foforo wɔ dan no mu.

Wɔ kɔmputa so slide show a ɔkasafoɔ de kyerɛ atiefo ma wɔte ase akyi no, wobetumi de PowerPoint adi dwuma de ama ɔkasa bi wɔ akwan afoforo pii so te sɛ:

  • Wɔda no adi wɔ nkyerɛkyerɛmu kɔmputa anaa tablɛt no screen so (ma kuw ketewaa bi pɛ).[22]
  • Wɔtintim na wɔakyekyɛ no sɛ krataa so nsɛm (wɔ akwan ahoroɔ pii so).[23]
  • Wɔkyekyɛ no sɛ fael a wɔhwɛ no kokoam, wɔ kɔmputa a enni PowerPoint mpo so[24]
  • Wɔboaboa ano na wɔkyekyɛ wɔ CD anaa netwɛk so, a data a wɔde abɔ mu ne nea wɔde ahyɛ mu ka ho[25]
  • Wɔde kɔma sɛ nsɛm a wɔde kyerɛ no tee wɔ wɛbsaet so[26]
  • Wɔde ahyɛ wɛbsaet krataafa anaa blog mu[27]
  • Wɔkyekyɛ wɔ social networks te sɛ Facebook anaa Twitter so[28]
  • Wɔde si hɔ sɛ ɔyɛkyerɛ a ɛtumi tu mmirika a obiara nhwɛ so[29]
  • Wɔakyere agu hama so sɛ video/audio (H.264/AAC), a wɔbɛkyekyɛ te sɛ video foforo biara[30]

Saa akwan a wɔfa so de PowerPoint di dwuma yi bi, JoAnne Yates ne Wanda Orlikowski a wɔwɔ MIT Sloan School of Management asua ho ade akɔ akyiri. Wohui sɛ saa akwan a wɔfa so de PowerPoint di dwuma yi bi betumi anya nsɛm a wɔka kyerɛ no so nkɛntɛnso, sɛ nhwɛso no, bere a "ɛsɛ sɛ slide ahorow no ankasa kura nsɛm a wɔka kyerɛ no mu nneɛma pii, na enti ehia nsɛm pii kɛse sen sɛnea sɛ wɔhyɛɛ da sɛ anka ɛbɛyɛ no."

Beaɛ a nsɛm no firi[sesa]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Microsoft PowerPoint | Definition, History, & Facts | Britannica (in English), 2023-06-21, retrieved 2023-08-04
  2. InfoWorld Media Group Inc (1987-03-02), InfoWorld (in English), InfoWorld Media Group, Inc., retrieved 2023-08-04
  3. COMPANY NEWS; Microsoft Buys Software Unit (Published 1987) (in English), 1987-07-31, retrieved 2023-08-04
  4. InfoWorld Media Group Inc (1989-06-19), InfoWorld (in English), InfoWorld Media Group, Inc., retrieved 2023-08-04
  5. InfoWorld Media Group Inc (1990-10-01), InfoWorld (in English), InfoWorld Media Group, Inc., retrieved 2023-08-04
  6. WebCite query result, retrieved 2023-08-04 {{citation}}: Cite uses generic title (help)
  7. Robert Gaskins (2012-04-20), Sweating Bullets: Notes about Inventing PowerPoint (in English), Vinland Books, ISBN 978-0-9851424-0-7, retrieved 2023-08-04
  8. http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.2588712.6245056956001, retrieved 2023-08-04 {{citation}}: Missing or empty |title= (help)
  9. Microsoft PowerPoint | software | Britannica.com, 2017-08-28, archived from the original on 2017-08-28, retrieved 2023-08-04{{citation}}: CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (link)
  10. Condé Nast, "29 reasons to love PowerPoint", Wired UK (in British English), ISSN 1357-0978, retrieved 2023-08-04
  11. "Edward Tufte", Wikipedia (in English), 2023-06-22, retrieved 2023-08-04
  12. Peter Weverka (2014-06-23), "Alternative Ways to Distribute Presentations", Microsoft® PowerPoint® 2010 All-in-One for Dummies®, Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., pp. 501–509, ISBN 978-1-118-98390-4, retrieved 2023-08-04
  13. Howard Burton, Stephen Kosslyn (2021-04-18), Applied Psychology: Thinking Critically, Open Agenda Publishing, ISBN 978-1-77170-253-9, retrieved 2023-08-04
  14. 14.0 14.1 Robert Gaskins (2007), "PowerPoint at 20", Communications of the ACM, vol. 50, no. 12, p. 15, ISSN 0001-0782, retrieved 2023-08-24
  15. Robert Gaskins (2012-04-20), Sweating Bullets: Notes about Inventing PowerPoint (in English), Vinland Books, ISBN 978-0-9851424-0-7, retrieved 2023-08-24
  16. Robert Gaskins (2012-04-20), Sweating Bullets: Notes about Inventing PowerPoint (in English), Vinland Books, ISBN 978-0-9851424-0-7, retrieved 2023-08-24
  17. Edward Tufte forum: The End of the Carousel Slide Projector?, retrieved 2023-08-24
  18. Basic tasks for creating a PowerPoint presentation - Microsoft Support, retrieved 2023-08-24
  19. Start the presentation and see your notes in Presenter view - Microsoft Support, retrieved 2023-08-24
  20. ‎Microsoft PowerPoint (in American English), 2023-08-14, retrieved 2023-08-24
  21. Microsoft PowerPoint - Apps on Google Play (in American English), retrieved 2023-08-24
  22. Choose the right view for the task in PowerPoint - Microsoft Support, retrieved 2023-08-24
  23. Print your handouts, notes, or slides - Microsoft Support, retrieved 2023-08-24
  24. View a presentation without PowerPoint - Microsoft Support, retrieved 2023-08-24
  25. Package a presentation for CD or USB flash drive - Microsoft Support, retrieved 2023-08-24
  26. Broadcast your PowerPoint presentation online to a remote audience - Microsoft Support, retrieved 2023-08-24
  27. Embed a presentation in a web page or blog - Microsoft Support, retrieved 2023-08-24
  28. Post a presentation to Facebook, Twitter, or other social network - Microsoft Support, retrieved 2023-08-24
  29. Create a self-running presentation - Microsoft Support, retrieved 2023-08-24
  30. Turn your presentation into a video - Microsoft Support, retrieved 2023-08-24