مندرجات کا رخ کریں

"میڈیاویکی:Gadget-WikEd.js" کے نسخوں کے درمیان فرق

آزاد دائرۃ المعارف، ویکیپیڈیا سے
حذف شدہ مندرجات اضافہ شدہ مندرجات
Obaid Raza (تبادلۂ خیال) کی جانب سے کی گئی 1413677 ویں ترمیم کا استرجع۔
کوئی خلاصۂ ترمیم نہیں
سطر 1: سطر 1:
// Installe wikEd pour l'édition des pages (pour tous)

// Ne pas afficher la différence pas défaut
var wikEdConfig = {};
wikEdConfig.diffPreset = false;
wikEdConfig.fixPunctFrench = true;

This is the English translation for the MediaWiki editing page extension '''[[User:Cacycle/wikEd|wikEd]]''' (last updated for version 0.9.119c).
// disable loading for IE, not needed, but might save a few milliseconds
Please see the translation instructions at [[User:Cacycle/wikEd international]].
if ( navigator.appName != 'Microsoft Internet Explorer' ) {
// install [[:en:User:Cacycle/wikEd]] in-browser text editor
mw.loader.load( '//fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=MediaWiki:Gadget-WikEd.js/local&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript&dontcountme=s' );

<pre><nowiki> */
// {{ویکیپیڈیا:JavaScript/Script|WikEd}}

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'wikEdRedo title': 'واپس',
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'wikEdItalic title': 'ترچھا متن',
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'wikEdUnderline title': 'خط کشیدہ متن',
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'wikEdSubscript title': 'ذیلی اسکرپٹ متن',
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'wikEdSort title': 'Sort alphabetically',
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'wikEdRedirect title': 'Create redirect, deletes whole text',
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'wikEdUndoAll title': 'تمام تبدیلیاں پھیریں',
'wikEdRedoAll alt': 'سبھی واپس کریں',
'wikEdRedoAll title': 'تمام تبدیلیاں واپس',

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'wikEdWebLink alt': 'ویب ربط',
'wikEdWebLink title': 'بیرونی ویب ربط',
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'wikEdSign title': 'دستخط [[صارف:Obaid Raza|Obaid Raza]] ([[تبادلۂ خیال صارف:Obaid Raza|تبادلۂ خیال]] • [[خاص:شراکتیں/Obaid Raza|شراکتیں]]) 03:52, 28 اگست 2016 ([[UTC|م ع و]]) (shift-click: name only [[صارف:Obaid Raza|Obaid Raza]] ([[تبادلۂ خیال صارف:Obaid Raza|تبادلۂ خیال]] • [[خاص:شراکتیں/Obaid Raza|شراکتیں]]))',

// textify buttons
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'wikEdPastedWikify title': 'Convert pasted content to wiki code',
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'wikEdFindPrev title': 'Find previous match',
'wikEdFindSelect title': 'Select a previous search or jump to a heading',
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'wikEdFindNext title': 'Find next match (shift-click: get selection)',
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'wikEdJumpPrev title': 'Find the selected text backwards',
'wikEdJumpNext alt': 'Selected next',
'wikEdJumpNext title': 'Find the selected text forwards',

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// fix buttons, top row
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'wikEdTemplButtonShowTooltip': 'Click to hide template',
'wikEdCharEntityButtonShowTooltip': 'Click to hide character entity',
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'wikEdScrollToPreview title': 'Scroll to preview field',
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'wikEdScrollToEdit title': 'Scroll to edit field',

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'wikEdCloseToolbar alt': 'Close toolbar',
'wikEdSource title': 'Show the source code for testing purposes',
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'wikEdDiff title': 'Toggle automatic improved diff view',
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'wikEdFullScreen title': 'Toggle the fullscreen mode',
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// summary buttons
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'wikEdClearSummary title': 'Clear the summary field',
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'wikEdPresetSummary': [
'/* */ ', 'copyedit', 'reply', 'article created', 'intro rewrite',
'linkfix', 'fixing typos', 'removing linkspam', 'reverting test',
'reverting vandalism', 'formatting source text', '{wikEdUsing}'
'wikEdSummaryUsing': '…using [[en:User:Cacycle/wikEd|wikEd]]',

// button title acceskey
'alt-shift': 'alt-shift-',

// submit buttons
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'wikEdScrollToEdit3 alt': 'Scroll to edit',
'wikEdScrollToEdit3 title': 'Scroll to edit field',

// preview field
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'diffNotLoaded': 'Error: Local diff script not installed.',

// formatting functions
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'image width': 'width',
'table caption': 'caption',
'table heading': 'heading',
'table cell': 'cell',
'redirect article link': 'article link',

// fixing functions
'External links': 'بیرونی روابط',
'See also': 'مزید دیکھیے',
'References': 'حوالہ جات',

// language specific wiki code
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'wikicode File': 'ملف',
'wikicode Category': 'زمرہ',
'wikicode Template': 'سانچہ',
'wikEdReferencesSection': '\n== حوالہ جات ==\n\n<references />\n',
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'history page': 'تاریخچہ',
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'talk namespace suffix': '_تبادلۂ خیال',

// hiding buttons
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'hideTempl': 'TEMPL',

// shortened button texts
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'shortenedChanges': 'تبدیلیاں',

// follow link popup
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'followLinkMac': '(cmd-click)',

// error message popups
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// auto updating
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// highlighting popups
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'emDash': 'Em dash',
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'minusDash': 'Minus sign',
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'tab': 'Tab',
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'ideographicSpace': 'Ideographic space',

// highlighting
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// highlighting errors
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'wikEdErrorNoOpen': 'Close tag has no match',
'wikEdErrorNoHandler': 'No handler',
'wikEdErrorNoClose': 'Open tag has no match',
'wikEdErrorNewline': 'Open tag closed by new line',
'wikEdErrorTemplHeading': 'Headings in templates are ignored',
'wikEdErrorTemplParam': 'Template/parameter tags do not match',
'wikEdErrorTemplParamAmbig': 'Template/parameter tags are ambiguous',
'wikEdErrorCodeInLinkName': 'Wikicode in link name',
'wikEdErrorCodeInTemplName': 'Wikicode in template name',
'wikEdErrorCodeInParamName': 'Wikicode in template parameter name',

// highlighting image preview
'wikEdFilePreview': 'Image preview',

// location search string functions
'iconPage': 'All icons and images used by wikEd. Save page as <i>web page, complete</i> to download all files into one folder.<br><br>',

// duplicated message
'clonedWarningsNote': 'Duplicated edit warnings (wikEd):',
// from [[en:User:Cacycle/wikEdDiff.js]]
'wikEdDiffButtonImg alt': 'wikEdDiff',
'wikEdDiffButton title': 'Show improved diff view',
'wikEdDiffLoading': '...'


نسخہ بمطابق 03:52، 28 اگست 2016ء



This is the English translation for the MediaWiki editing page extension '''[[User:Cacycle/wikEd|wikEd]]''' (last updated for version 0.9.119c).
Please see the translation instructions at [[User:Cacycle/wikEd international]].

<pre><nowiki> */

var wikEdText = {

// logo
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			'wikEdLogo browser title':     'Browser not supported - wikEd {wikEdProgramVersion} ({wikEdProgramDate})',
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			'wikEdLogo testVersion title': 'wikEd_dev (unstable test version) {wikEdProgramVersion} ({wikEdProgramDate}) Click to disable',

// top jumper
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			'wikEdScrollToEdit4 title':    'Scroll to edit field',

// button bar grip titles
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// button bar background titles
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// formatting buttons, top row
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			'wikEdSuperscript title':      'ذیلی اسکرپٹ متن',
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			'wikEdSubscript title':        'ذیلی اسکرپٹ متن',
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			'wikEdSort title':             'Sort alphabetically',
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			'wikEdRedirect title':         'Create redirect, deletes whole text',
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			'wikEdUndoAll title':          'تمام تبدیلیاں پھیریں',
			'wikEdRedoAll alt':            'سبھی واپس کریں',
			'wikEdRedoAll title':          'تمام تبدیلیاں واپس',

// formatting buttons, bottom row
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			'wikEdReferences title':       'References location (shift-click: references section)',
			'wikEdSign alt':               'دستخط',
			'wikEdSign title':             'دستخط [[صارف:Obaid Raza|Obaid Raza]] ([[تبادلۂ خیال صارف:Obaid Raza|تبادلۂ خیال]] • [[خاص:شراکتیں/Obaid Raza|شراکتیں]]) 03:52, 28 اگست 2016 ([[UTC|م ع و]]) (shift-click: name only [[صارف:Obaid Raza|Obaid Raza]] ([[تبادلۂ خیال صارف:Obaid Raza|تبادلۂ خیال]] • [[خاص:شراکتیں/Obaid Raza|شراکتیں]]))',

// textify buttons
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			'wikEdTextify title':          'Convert pasted content to plain text, update highlighting (shift-click: forced highlighting)',
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			'wikEdPastedTextify alt':      'Textify pasted',
			'wikEdPastedTextify title':    'Convert pasted content to plain text',
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			'wikEdPastedClose title':      'بند',

// find and replace buttons, top row
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			'wikEdFindAll title':          'Find all matches',
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// summary buttons
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// button title acceskey
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// submit buttons
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			'wikEdHelpPageLink':           ' | <a href="{wikEdHomeBaseUrl}wiki/User:Cacycle/wikEd_help" target="helpwindow">wikEd help</a>', // use full link without {wikEdHomeBaseUrl} if the page is not on the English Wikipedia

// preview and changes buttons, top
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// fixing functions
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			'See also':                    'مزید دیکھیے',
			'References':                  'حوالہ جات',

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// hiding buttons
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// shortened button texts
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// follow link popup
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// error message popups
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// auto updating
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// highlighting popups
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// highlighting errors
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// highlighting image preview
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// location search string functions
			'iconPage':                    'All icons and images used by wikEd. Save page as <i>web page, complete</i> to download all files into one folder.<br><br>',

// duplicated message
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// from [[en:User:Cacycle/wikEdDiff.js]]
			'wikEdDiffButtonImg alt':      'wikEdDiff',
			'wikEdDiffButton title':       'Show improved diff view',
			'wikEdDiffLoading':            '...'			
