Specifying label language

Choosing one or more Label language

Another way to specify the retrieved label language is to state it in the SERVICE code snippet instead of the “AUTO LANGUAGE”.

For example, in the following query, Dutch (nl) labels will be retrieved and presented:

#Star Wars films

SELECT ?item  ?itemLabel 
  ?item wdt:P179 wd:Q22092344.
  SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "nl". }

One can specify several languages and the order in which labels are retrieved. For example, the following query first retrieves the French (fr) label, but if there is no label in French then the German (de) label will be retrieved, and if that one is missing the Italian (it) label will be shown, and so on.

#Star Wars films

SELECT ?item  ?itemLabel 
  ?item wdt:P179 wd:Q22092344.
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "fr,de,it,es,no,pt". }

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