
Cultural Heritage Day of Chile dedicated to the 40th anniversary

Sunday, 27 May 2012
Cultural Heritage Day of Chile dedicated to the 40th anniversary | Consejo de Monumentos Nacionales de Chile

The 2012 edition of the Cultural Heritage Day of Chile will be celebrated in the framework of the 40th anniversary of the World Heritage Convention. In order to contribute to the worldwide celebrations of the anniversary, this year's edition focuses specifically on the relation between heritage and development, including the role of local communities in heritage preservation.

This festivity has been celebrated every last Sunday of May since the year 1999, with the objective to organize a festive day reflecting on the values, the role and the significance of Chilean cultural heritage. Activities, taking place all around the country, include opening of monuments to public, seminars and educational activities to sensitize the general public to preservation and sustainable management of cultural heritage in Chile.

Every year, this celebration counts on the participation of hundreds of volunteers. This year, the number will be extended by promoting local communities active participation through a “campaign for the common good” forming teams of young volunteers who will clean four national monuments in Santiago.

Furthermore, an expert seminar with the theme “Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Development” will take place as part of the Cultural Heritage Day. Two panel discussions will be dedicated to the role of local communities in the conservation of archeological and paleontological heritage and their role in the social development of urban heritage areas. 

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Sunday, 27 May 2012

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Santiago, Chile