Children's Artwork
on World Heritage Sites

The artwork displayed below was posted in response to a global call for the Little Artists Exhibition inviting children around the world to draw a UNESCO World Heritage site that matters to them. This could be a site in their community, a memory from a family vacation, or a place they saw in a book, movie or TV show. 

Participants are between 6 and 12 years old, and the works were posted on Instagram between 8 April and 17 May 2020.

UNESCO would like to warmly congratulate and thank all of the children who submitted artwork to the Little Artists Exhibition.

We are pleased to present these artworks in celebration of 21 May, World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development.

The Little Artists Exhibition is one of several activities initiated by UNESCO's Culture Sector in response to the global lockdown due to the Covid-19 crisis. 

We would also like to thank ASPNet, the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning and other partners for their support.



Countries represented

World Heritage Properties

From Armenia
Age: 11
From Syrian Arab Republic
Age: 10
From Syrian Arab Republic
Age: 10
World Heritage Property:
From Indonesia
Age: 9
World Heritage Property:
From Cambodia
Age: 9
World Heritage Property:
From Indonesia
Age: 8
World Heritage Property:
From Armenia
Age: 7
From Mauritius
Age: 12
World Heritage Property:
From India
Age: 9
From Indonesia
Age: 10
World Heritage Property:
From Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Age: 6
World Heritage Property:
From United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Age: 11
From Malta
Age: 7
World Heritage Property:
From Saudi Arabia
Age: 12
From Spain
Age: 8
World Heritage Property:
From Spain
Age: 8
World Heritage Property:
From Australia
Age: 6
World Heritage Property:
From Syrian Arab Republic
Age: 11
From South Africa
Age: 7
World Heritage Property:
From Russian Federation
Age: 8
World Heritage Property:
From Costa Rica
Age: 7
World Heritage Property:
From Costa Rica
Age: 6
World Heritage Property:
From Syrian Arab Republic
Age: 8
From Syrian Arab Republic
Age: 10
From Bangladesh
Age: 9
From India
Age: 10
From India
Age: 10
World Heritage Property:
From Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Age: 8
From Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Age: 8
World Heritage Property:
From India
Age: 10
World Heritage Property:
From Spain
Age: 8
World Heritage Property:
From Cambodia
Age: 12
From India
Age: 10
World Heritage Property:
From Indonesia
Age: 9
World Heritage Property:
From Indonesia
Age: 9
World Heritage Property:
From Indonesia
Age: 8
World Heritage Property:
From Libya
Age: 11
World Heritage Property:
From Armenia
Age: 8
From Costa Rica
Age: 9
World Heritage Property:
From Armenia
Age: 8
World Heritage Property:
From Armenia
Age: 9
From Mauritius
Age: 10
World Heritage Property:
From Armenia
Age: 12
From Cambodia
Age: 12
From Indonesia
Age: 12
World Heritage Property:
From Indonesia
Age: 10
World Heritage Property:
From Syrian Arab Republic
Age: 11
World Heritage Property:
From Armenia
Age: 12
From India
Age: 10
World Heritage Property:
From Iran (Islamic Republic of)
From Indonesia
Age: 9
World Heritage Property:
From United States of America
Age: 10
From Germany
Age: 11
World Heritage Property:
From United States of America
Age: 10
World Heritage Property:
From India
Age: 10
World Heritage Property:
From Germany
Age: 11
World Heritage Property:
From Syrian Arab Republic
Age: 11
From Syrian Arab Republic
Age: 11
From Indonesia
Age: 6
World Heritage Property:
From Indonesia
Age: 11
World Heritage Property:
World Heritage Property:
World Heritage Property:
From Switzerland
World Heritage Property:
World Heritage Property:
World Heritage Property:
World Heritage Property:
World Heritage Property:
World Heritage Property:
World Heritage Property:
From Switzerland
Age: 9
From India
Age: 11
World Heritage Property:
From India
Age: 10
World Heritage Property:
From India
Age: 8
From Germany
Age: 8
World Heritage Property:
From Mauritius
Age: 8
World Heritage Property:
From United States of America
World Heritage Property:
From Tunisia
Age: 9
World Heritage Property:
From India
Age: 10
World Heritage Property:
From Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Age: 7
From Indonesia
Age: 8
World Heritage Property:
From Canada
Age: 11
World Heritage Property:
From Indonesia
Age: 8
World Heritage Property:
From Indonesia
Age: 8
World Heritage Property:
From Armenia
Age: 9
From Tajikistan
Age: 12
From Tajikistan
Age: 12
From Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Age: 7
From Indonesia
Age: 8
World Heritage Property:
From Tajikistan
Age: 10
From Syrian Arab Republic
Age: 8
World Heritage Property:
From Indonesia
Age: 8
World Heritage Property:
From United States of America
Age: 10
From Indonesia
Age: 8
World Heritage Property:
From Portugal
Age: 10
From Syrian Arab Republic
Age: 10
World Heritage Property:
From Indonesia
Age: 8
World Heritage Property:
From Indonesia
Age: 8
World Heritage Property:
From Armenia
Age: 11
From Armenia
Age: 11
From Italy
Age: 11
World Heritage Property:
From Argentina
Age: 7
World Heritage Property:
From Brazil
Age: 6
From Indonesia
Age: 8
World Heritage Property:
From Indonesia
Age: 8
World Heritage Property:
From Indonesia
Age: 12
From Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Age: 11
World Heritage Property:
From Syrian Arab Republic
From Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Age: 6
From Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Age: 8
World Heritage Property:
From Kazakhstan
Age: 7
World Heritage Property:
From Armenia
Age: 9
From Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Age: 7
From Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Age: 7
From Cambodia
Age: 11
World Heritage Property:
From Cambodia
Age: 11
World Heritage Property:
From Cambodia
Age: 12
World Heritage Property:
From Cambodia
Age: 12
World Heritage Property:
From Cambodia
Age: 12
World Heritage Property:
From Cambodia
Age: 9
From Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Age: 8
From Indonesia
Age: 9
World Heritage Property:
From Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Age: 8
From Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Age: 7
World Heritage Property:
From Croatia
Age: 9
From Indonesia
Age: 7
World Heritage Property:
From Armenia
Age: 12
From Suriname
Age: 10
From Tajikistan
Age: 7
From Suriname
Age: 10
From Suriname
Age: 8
From Suriname
Age: 10
From Suriname
Age: 10
From Suriname
Age: 8
From Suriname
Age: 9
From Suriname
Age: 8
From India
Age: 12
World Heritage Property:
From Suriname
Age: 10
From Suriname
Age: 9
From Suriname
Age: 9
From Suriname
Age: 9
From Suriname
Age: 9
From Suriname
Age: 8
From Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Age: 6
From Suriname
Age: 9
From Suriname
Age: 12
From India
Age: 9
World Heritage Property:
From Suriname
Age: 7
From Suriname
Age: 11
From Suriname
Age: 9
From Suriname
Age: 6
From Suriname
Age: 6
From Suriname
Age: 7
From Suriname
Age: 8
From Suriname
Age: 9
From Suriname
Age: 7
From Armenia
Age: 12
From Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Age: 8
From Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Age: 8
From Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Age: 7
World Heritage Property:
From Indonesia
Age: 8
World Heritage Property:
From Armenia
Age: 12
From Armenia
Age: 12
From Armenia
Age: 12
From Armenia
Age: 7
From Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Age: 9
From Indonesia
Age: 10
From Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Age: 8
From Armenia
Age: 12
From Armenia
Age: 12
From Indonesia
Age: 10
World Heritage Property:
From Armenia
Age: 12
World Heritage Property:
From Venezuela
Age: 9
From Singapore
Age: 10
World Heritage Property:
From Tanzania
Age: 9
From Indonesia
Age: 11
World Heritage Property:
From Indonesia
Age: 11
World Heritage Property:
From Indonesia
Age: 12
World Heritage Property:
From Indonesia
Age: 8
From Indonesia
Age: 11
From India
Age: 12
From Armenia
Age: 12
From Nigeria
Age: 12
World Heritage Property:
From Indonesia
Age: 12
World Heritage Property:
From Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Age: 7
World Heritage Property:
From India
Age: 10
World Heritage Property:
From Armenia
Age: 11
From Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Age: 7
From Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Age: 9
World Heritage Property:
From Syrian Arab Republic
Age: 10
From Syrian Arab Republic
Age: 10
From Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Age: 7
From United States of America
Age: 10
World Heritage Property:
From Armenia
Age: 12
From India
Age: 7
World Heritage Property:
From Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Age: 11
From Indonesia
Age: 10
World Heritage Property:
From Indonesia
Age: 12
From Armenia
Age: 7
From China
Age: 11
World Heritage Property:
From Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Age: 9
From Morocco
Age: 12
World Heritage Property:
From Armenia
Age: 10
World Heritage Property:
From Armenia
Age: 11
From United States of America
Age: 10
From Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Age: 12
World Heritage Property:
From Russian Federation
Age: 12
From Indonesia
Age: 7
World Heritage Property:
From Syrian Arab Republic
Age: 10
From Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Age: 10
From Armenia
Age: 9
From Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Age: 9
From Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Age: 9
From Nigeria
Age: 12
World Heritage Property:
From India
Age: 11
From Armenia
Age: 11
From Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Age: 8
From Russian Federation
Age: 8
World Heritage Property:
From Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Age: 8
From Armenia
Age: 11
From Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Age: 7
From United States of America
Age: 10
From India
Age: 8
From Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Age: 7
From United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Age: 7
From United States of America
Age: 10
World Heritage Property:
From India
Age: 9
World Heritage Property:
From Indonesia
Age: 8
World Heritage Property:
From Indonesia
Age: 11
World Heritage Property:
From Kazakhstan
Age: 9
From Cambodia
Age: 9
World Heritage Property:
From Cambodia
Age: 9
World Heritage Property:
From Cambodia
Age: 11
World Heritage Property:
From Indonesia
Age: 12
World Heritage Property:
From Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Age: 9
From Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Age: 10
From Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Age: 11
From Portugal
Age: 10
From Brazil
Age: 8
World Heritage Property:
From United States of America
Age: 5
World Heritage Property:
From India
Age: 7
World Heritage Property:
From Brazil
Age: 9
From Indonesia
Age: 12
World Heritage Property:
From Brazil
Age: 7
World Heritage Property:
From Australia
Age: 10
World Heritage Property:
From Mauritius
Age: 10
World Heritage Property:
From Indonesia
Age: 7
World Heritage Property:
From Indonesia
Age: 10
World Heritage Property:
From Indonesia
Age: 10
World Heritage Property:
From Indonesia
Age: 12
From China
Age: 7
World Heritage Property:
From India
Age: 6
From Syrian Arab Republic
Age: 9
From Armenia
Age: 9
From Armenia
Age: 12
From Armenia
Age: 8
From Indonesia
Age: 11
From Indonesia
Age: 9
From Ecuador
Age: 6
World Heritage Property:
From Indonesia
Age: 7 and 11 months
World Heritage Property:
From Indonesia
Age: 9
From Indonesia
Age: 9
World Heritage Property:
From Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Age: 5 and 14days
From India
Age: 8.5
From India
Age: 7
From Indonesia
Age: 12
From Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Age: 8
From Indonesia
Age: 11
From Indonesia
Age: 11
From Indonesia
Age: 10
From Indonesia
Age: 9
World Heritage Property:
From Indonesia
Age: 11
From Singapore
Age: 10
World Heritage Property:
From Indonesia
Age: 12
From Indonesia
Age: 10
From Indonesia
World Heritage Property:
From India
Age: 12
From Syrian Arab Republic
Age: 12
World Heritage Property:
From India
Age: 10
From Kazakhstan
Age: 6-12
From Indonesia
Age: 10
World Heritage Property:
From Indonesia
Age: 7
From Indonesia
Age: 11
World Heritage Property:
From Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Age: 8
From South Korea
Age: 9
World Heritage Property:
From Indonesia
Age: 8
World Heritage Property:
From Indonesia
Age: 7
World Heritage Property:
From Honduras
Age: 7
From Cambodia
Age: 10
World Heritage Property:
From Cambodia
Age: 10
World Heritage Property:
From Indonesia
Age: 10
From Indonesia
Age: 10
World Heritage Property:
From Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Age: 7
From Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Age: 9
From Indonesia
Age: 12
From Indi
Age: 12
From Indonesia
Age: 12
From Cambodia
From São Tomé e Príncipe
Age: 11
From Oman
Age: 9
World Heritage Property:
From Armenia
Age: 8
From Russian Federation
Age: 9
From United States of America
Age: 7
From Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Age: 6
From Colombia
Age: 9
From Bangladesh
Age: 7

Artwork by Aarya Chavda

UNESCO's Response

More information on UNESCO’s response to COVID-19 in the field of culture can be found on the UNESCO

Read more
