World Heritage Volunteers 2012

mardi 20 décembre 2011
access_time Lecture 0 min.

Call for Projects
concrete actions for the 40th Anniversary of the World Heritage Convention

The UNESCO World Heritage Education Programme in collaboration with the Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service (CCIVS) is pleased to announce the call for projects for the World Heritage Volunteers 2012.
After 4 years of fruitful experiences with 78 successful projects at 43 sites, carried out in 23 countries with nearly a thousand young volunteers involved, the 2012 edition of the WHV is dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the World Heritage Convention with the theme 'Sustainable Development and the role of Communities at World Heritage sites'.
Every year more young volunteers have become involved in these projects all over the world, and we want to continue to provide this challenging opportunity to as many young people as possible.
An increasing number of projects have been selected since the first year, but this year we would like to increase the number even more and invite all interested youth organizations to submit their projects.

WHV projects are expected to sensitize and develop appreciation of World Heritage values through structured and non-formal methods, awareness-raising campaigns and skills trainings. Relying on dynamic dialogue and synergies among all World Heritage stakeholders, the 2012 campaign aims to contribute to strengthening the sense of ownership of World Heritage by the local population.

Click here if you want to join World Heritage Volunteers 2012.
