Decision 28 COM 16
The State of the World Heritage in Latin America and the Caribbean, 2004 Periodic Report

The World Heritage Committee,

1. Expressing its sincere appreciation to the States Parties of Latin America and the Caribbean, the World Heritage Centre, the Advisory Bodies and the regional experts involved in the periodic reporting exercise for their collaboration in the successful completion of the comprehensive report on “The State of the World Heritage in Latin America and the Caribbean, 2004 Periodic Report”,

2. Takes note of the periodic report and endorses its Strategic Framework for Action contained in it;

3. Also endorses the Caribbean Action Plan for World Heritage 2004-2014 contained in the periodic report, and urges the World Heritage Centre to promote the development of a similar Action Plan for Latin America – in particular, by convening a meeting of representatives of such sub-region not later than December 1st, 2004;

4. Welcomes the particular attention paid to the Caribbean sub-region that in the past has had a limited participation in the activities of the World Heritage Convention and the cultural and natural heritage of which is still underrepresented on the World Heritage List, with recent meetings on periodic reporting in Port-au-Prince (Haiti), harmonization of Tentative Lists in Kingstown (Saint Vincent & the Grenadines) and the preparation of an action plan in favour of World Heritage in Castries (Saint Lucia);

5. Invites the Governments of the Bahamas and Trinidad & Tobago to consider ratification of the World Heritage Convention, so as to achieve full participation of the Caribbean sub-region in World Heritage;

6. Also welcomes the various activities in Latin America during 2002 and 2003, that have a direct impact in the periodic report, including the expert meetings related to the process of preparation of the transborder nomination of “Qhapaq Ñan – Camino Principal Andino”, the regional meeting in Santiago de Querétaro (Mexico), the sub regional workshops in Puerto Iguazú and Córdoba (Argentina) on capacity building for the management of World Heritage properties, and the regional seminar in Córdoba (Argentina) on the application of satellite technologies to World Heritage conservation;

7. Notes that the conclusions of the Querétaro meeting refer to the List of the Americas, and requests the World Heritage Centre to report on such List at its 29th session (2005) – in particular, as regards its relationship with the World Heritage List; Decisions adopted at the 28th session of the World Heritage WHC-04/28 COM/26, p.147 Committee (Suzhou, 2004)

8. Requests the World Heritage Centre to publish, as early as possible, the periodic report in a user-friendly version in English, French and Spanish, for wide distribution in the region among all stakeholders;

9. Requests the World Heritage Centre, in collaboration with the Advisory Bodies and the States Parties of the region, to further develop the Caribbean and the Latin American Action Plans into operational work plans and identify partners for their implementation;

10. Recommends to the Director-General that he reviews operations and staffing in the UNESCO Offices in the region, particularly in the Caribbean sub-region, to ensure that improved services are provided in a coordinated manner with the World Heritage Centre to assist the States Parties in Latin America and the Caribbean in the enhanced implementation of the World Heritage Convention and their respective Action Plans;

11. Strongly encourages the States Parties and all other World Heritage partners and stakeholders in the region to co-operate actively and to take the necessary actions to follow-up in a concerted and concrete manner in the implementation of the Action Plans for World Heritage in the region of Latin America and the Caribbean;

12. Requests the World Heritage Centre to report on the follow-up of the regional periodic report – and, in particular, on the implementation of the Caribbean and Latin American Action Plans – at its 7th extraordinary session (Paris, December 2004).

Decision Code
28 COM 16