• Resolved velanche


    I have a persistent issue that I found existed longer than I thought. Before Jetpack, I was able to use the built-in social tool in WordPress that sent a blog post to multiple social media accounts. Right now, with Jetpack, I’m not.

    When I click the “Jetpack” link on the left sidebar of my WP Dashboard for my web site, I get an error message, “cookie check failed.” If I click on the “Restore Connection” link on the upper right, the error repeats. When I go to Settings—>Sharing and enter the area to manage my socials, even though the four platforms I selected are all connected, it appears that there has not been any forwarding since 2020. I verified with when I click on a link that showed older blog posts, but not any recent ones.

    I have cleared the cache both in my web browser and on the server side via my Bluehost account. When that failed, I called Bluehost support. The tech support did her part on her end, but there was no change on my end. She then gave me a phone number to contact Jetpack support, and let them know that Bluehost referred me there.

    When I contacted Jetpack via phone, I ended up leaving a voice mail. A return call stated that it was unrelated to Jetpack for WP, and said that I should contact Jetpack on its website and leave a support ticket there. But after going there, because I’m not a paid user, I was unable to post there. So, I’m posting here.

    This is a disruption, particularly since I’m now become more active with my blog, and my social media presence, as a DJ and content creator, so I’d really would like to get this sorted out. I’d appreciate whatever helpful info can be had.

    Thank you.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Contributor Cena (a11n)


    Hi @velanche ,

    When I click the “Jetpack” link on the left sidebar of my WP Dashboard for my web site, I get an error message, “cookie check failed.

    f I click on the “Restore Connection” link on the upper right, the error repeats

    Hm, are you still seeing that? I just checked your connection here:


    and all looks well.

    That said, if you are, it’s an error that can affect a number of plugins. That error is generally caused by caching issues. Can you clear any caches you have on your site and/or check with your hosting provider if there is any server level cache that might need to be cleared, then try again?

    Now, to the Social questions. I checked your connections and they look fine. I randomly checked a post: ...velanche-presents-urban-landscapes-25-06 and what I see is Determined that this facebook connection (...) has been marked as skipped for this post

    You can also see this in Facebook’s own debugger:


    Okay, so. It sounds like you may be skipping posts for publication. Can you confirm you’re marking your posts like so:

    Screenshot Link: https://cloudup.com/cU0_5JxjJRA



    Thread Starter velanche


    Hello Cena; thanks for getting back to me!

    Yes, I am still seeing the error message after clicking on the Jetpack link on the WP sidebar. When I was on the phone with Bluehost yesterday, the tech cleared the cache on its end, and I too have clicked on the option to delete the cache from the server, and the same with the browser cache. Still, no change.

    Thanks for clarification on the Socials. It had been awhile since I checked the functionality of the postings, as my posts have been infrequent until recently. I did see the LinkedIn and Twitter seems to work fine. As for Facebook, when I saw that nothing posted, I disconnected and reconnected, but nothing today. What is causing the post to be skipped, and how can I resolve this?

    All this is to say that perhaps the Social tools are working. Not seeing the “social” options on the sidebar of the editor, including any notifications of socials that need refreshing, threw me off for a bit. How would I know when a refresh is needed? I did see the screenshot in your link, so will look for it, but not sure why it’s skipping posts except perhaps when I have deactivated my FB account for a few months.

    Thanks, Cena!


    Thread Starter velanche


    One other thing; I did check the configuration for Sharing, and I do see that Facebook is linked to Pages I’ve created, but not to my personal FB wall. Can this be done?

    Plugin Support Alin (a11n)


    Hi @velanche,

    Yes, I am still seeing the error message after clicking on the Jetpack link on the WP sidebar. When I was on the phone with Bluehost yesterday, the tech cleared the cache on its end, and I too have clicked on the option to delete the cache from the server, and the same with the browser cache. Still, no change.

    As Cena mentioned previously, I am shown that the Jetpack connection is established now, as can be seen here. However, I’d recommend contacting the hosting provider and asking them to allowlist Jetpack IPs as illustrated here. That should make sure the connection is stable and avoid possible other related issues in the future.

    Thanks for clarification on the Socials. It had been awhile since I checked the functionality of the postings, as my posts have been infrequent until recently. I did see the LinkedIn and Twitter seems to work fine. As for Facebook, when I saw that nothing posted, I disconnected and reconnected, but nothing today. What is causing the post to be skipped, and how can I resolve this?

    All this is to say that perhaps the Social tools are working. Not seeing the “social” options on the sidebar of the editor, including any notifications of socials that need refreshing, threw me off for a bit. How would I know when a refresh is needed? I did see the screenshot in your link, so will look for it, but not sure why it’s skipping posts except perhaps when I have deactivated my FB account for a few months.

    It seems there’s some misunderstanding, so let me clarify further. Each time you create a new post for your site, you have to select the specific social platforms you previously connected to for auto-sharing the post. To prevent unintentional shares, the social accounts are deactivated once a post is published, requiring you to enable either all or the selected accounts for sharing. To access the Jetpack Social sidebar, don’t forget to click the Jetpack icon situated in the upper right corner of the sidebar. Here’s a helpful screenshot for your reference: https://d.pr/i/ygHQFT

    One other thing; I did check the configuration for Sharing, and I do see that Facebook is linked to Pages I’ve created, but not to my personal FB wall. Can this be done?

    Facebook has implemented a modification to its platform: Auto-sharing of posts through third-party tools is now limited to Facebook pages, and is no longer available for personal profiles. This is valid for Jetpack Social too.

    Best regards!

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