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  • Plugin Support Bruce (a11n)


    Happiness Engineer

    Hi @msaladus

    I noticed that you are using CloudFlare on your site. Can you check to see if you have the following modules active:

      Has WAF Enabled

      Has Cloudflare Static Cache (Page Cache) Enabled

    These modules can interfere with Jetpack Boost. Can you take a look and confirm these are/are not in use on your site?

    Plugin Support lastsplash (a11n)


    Hi there,

    It has been more than one week since we have heard from you, so I’m marking this topic as resolved.

    But if you have any further questions or need some more help, you’re welcome to reply here or open another thread.

    Hello, I also have a problem with CSS, CSS fails to regenerate

    could you help me with this and is it neccasary to resolve this? Thank you so much


    @butera Please follow my colleague’s previous suggestions to get Jetpack Boost critical CSS working:

    I noticed that you are using CloudFlare on your site. Can you check to see if you have the following modules active:

    • Has WAF Enabled
    • Has Couldflare Static Cache (Page Cache) Enabled

    These modules can interfere with Jetpack Boost. Can you take a look and confirm these are/are not in use on your site?

    Hello J,

    Thank you for your quick reply, I can’t find the modules you referring too. It should be under settings, WP Super Cache Settings?

    Thank you!

    Hi @butera ,

    can’t find the modules you referring too. It should be under settings, WP Super Cache Settings?

    No, these would be in your Cloudflare settings. 🙂



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