• Resolved paolo8913


    Hello, In every page I have this error, multiple times.
    How I can resolve this?


    VM10:1 Refused to connect to 'data:application/octet-stream;base64,AGFzbQEAAAABqAMwYAJ/fwBgAAF/YAJ/fwF/YAN/f38Bf2ADf39/AGABfwF/YAF/AGAEf39/fwF/YAV/f39/fwF/YAt/f39/f39/f39/fwF/YAN/f34Bf2AGf39/f39/AX9gB39/f39/f38Bf2AEf39+fwF/YAAAYAZ/f39+f38Bf2AFf39+f38Bf2AEf35/fwF/YAh/f39+f35/fwF/YAR/f39/AGAGf39+f39/AX9gBn9/fn9+fwF/YAJ/fgBgCH9/f39/f39/AX9gDH9/f39/f39/f39/fwF/YAh/f35/f35/fwF/YAN/f34AYAV/f35/fwBgCX9/f39+f35/fwF/YAV/f39+fwF/YAZ/f35/f38AYAR/fn9/AGAKf39/f39/f39/fwF/YAd/f39+f39/AX9gBX9/fn5/AX9gB39+f35/fn8Bf2ABfwF+YAJ+fwF+YAV/f39/fwBgCX9/f39+f3...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' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "connect-src 'self' https://r.stripe.com".

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Adam Heckler


    I checked the browser console on that page, but I don’t get that same error. Instead, I get some warning about a TikTok analytics script you seem to be using. Screenshot:


    I also clicked around other pages on the site to see if I could trigger that error, but no luck.

    Can you send a screenshot of that error perhaps, or be a bit more specific about how it’s triggered?

    Also, what happens if you try this is another browser? Does the console error still show then?

    Lastly, could you please send me a copy of your site’s system status report? You can find it under WooCommerce > Status in the dashboard. Click “Get system report” and then the “Copy for support” button. Once you’ve done that, paste it into your reply.

    We haven’t heard back from you in a while, so I’m going to mark this as resolved – we’ll be here if and/or when you are ready to continue.

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