• Resolved kiburisa



    We have a specific field in our Woocommerce that distinguishes retail price and wholesale price.

    By programmatically displaying both prices, Woocommerce Multi-Currency only converts one of them (it doesn’t detect that the retail one is also a price).

    How can we convert the price programmatically? Is there some kind of shortcode that can be used to convert an amount to the active currency?

    Thanks in advance

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Kaushik S. a11n


    Hi there!

    Thanks for contacting us!

    I understand you have a custom field for retail prices and would like it to be treated as price and converted into different currencies.

    WooCommerce Payments doesn’t have any shortcode that you could use to convert figures directly.

    You might need to deploy a custom solution for this. (Using a currency converter API to convert rates.)

    If you want, you can check out our Customizations Page for help with such customization.

    I hope this helps! 🙂

    Thread Starter kiburisa


    Thanks for the information.

    Alternatively, are there any specific requirements that a custom price must have in order to be considered “price type” by Multi-currency and thus be converted correctly?

    Kind regards

    Plugin Support Adam Heckler


    Alternatively, are there any specific requirements that a custom price must have in order to be considered “price type” by Multi-currency and thus be converted correctly?

    This is something I can ask our developers about if you can link us to an example page on your site where we can see both the retail and wholesale prices, with only one being converted. I took a look at your site just now, but could not see where the wholesale prices are shown, e.g. for this product:


    Are they hidden behind a user login perhaps? The more detail you can offer us, the better response we’ll get from our devs.


    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    @kiburisa Please change your password and never offer anyone access to your site again.

    Had anyone taken you up on that offer they would risk losing access to these forums. It’s that serious.

    These are public forums and you told the whole Internet what user ID and password to use 4 hours ago.

    Plugin Support Adam Heckler


    @kiburisa In light of the above, it’s probably best if you contact us via our support form here:


    Please create a ticket and we can help you in private that way.


    Thread Starter kiburisa


    @jdembowski that access was a trial access for a wholesaler in our e-commerce.

    It doesn’t give anyone access to anything at all but the possibility to make a wholesale that we can freely cancel on our side.

    The only purpose was to show the support team the wholesale prices not being converted.
    Please take it easy, it’s something the whole internet can have without any issue at all.

    Thank you @adamkheckler I’ll create a ticket.

    Thread Starter kiburisa


    In case someone else is struggling with this, I found the solution: set your custom price with the specific function wc_price

    That way Multi-currency will recognize it as price-type and convert it.

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