• Resolved Tobias


    Does WP Super Cache use an object cache like apcu? If so, where can it be enabled in the plugin settings?

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  • Hi @tobiaseichner

    Does WP Super Cache use an object cache like apcu? If so, where can it be enabled in the plugin settings?

    It does not. There’s a bit more information about this here:




    Thread Starter Tobias


    @cena: Thanks for your reply. So it seems that when WP states having “APCu” available as object cache, there are still additional server-side requirements to be met?

    Plugin Support Bruce (a11n)


    Happiness Engineer


    That’s correct. To use APCu as an object cache with WordPress, you will need to have the APCu PHP extension installed on your server, as well as a recent version of PHP that is compatible with the extension. In addition, you will need to configure your server to allocate sufficient memory to APCu to ensure that it can effectively cache your WordPress content.

    Thread Starter Tobias


    @bruceallen: Thanks for your reply. PHP 8.1.16 is installed, APCu extension is installed and configured as well.

    However, what kind of plugin is needed to make use of it (ideally, it should be compatible with WP Super Cache)? My search in the plugin repository was not really successful.

    Plugin Support Joseph B. (a11n)


    Hello @tobiaseichner,

    Thanks for getting back to us.

    However, what kind of plugin is needed to make use of it (ideally, it should be compatible with WP Super Cache)? My search in the plugin repository was not really successful.

    We can’t exactly recommend or vouch for a particular third-party plugin.

    However, if you want to find a plugin that is compatible with WP Super Cache and supports APCu caching, you can try using search queries in the WordPress.org plugin repository like “APCu caching” and also try to refine your query by including additional keywords related to your specific scenario.

    Once you settle on a particular plugin, you might need to reach out the plugin authors or search in their support forums to check if there are any reported compatibility issues with WP Super Cache.

    Hope this helps!


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