• Hi there,

    Is it possible to remove the two lines at the end of blog posts?

    I’ve already removed the previous and next post option with code.

    The first two lines of the code I found online helped eliminate the previous and next option, the other lines were attempts at solving the lines issue.



    .single-post .post-navigation {
      display: none;
    hr.styled-separator {
    display: none;
    .pagination-single.section-inner.only-one.only-prev {
        display: none;

    Any help is much appreciated!

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Could you describe which lines you mean in that link? What do the lines currently display?

    Thread Starter Leonardo


    They are at the bottom of the page, just above the comments section. They have no purpose whatsoever, before, it used to appear inside of them a Before and Next Post but I deleted these buttons with the first two lines of code because they are unnecesary.

    html.colibri-wp-theme #colibri .style-572 .blog-post-comments {
     border: none;

    Will remove the bottom border.

    Thread Starter Leonardo


    Thanks for the quick reply!

    The bottom border was indeed removed. How may I remove the top border as well? There’s also a large weird blank space between the comments section and the top border, do you have any tricks on removing it?

    Many thanks,
    I hope I’m not taking too much of your time

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