• Resolved Luigino


    Hello everyone, I installed woocommerce on a website and to activate card payments I followed Woocommerce suggestions and I settled an account on Stripe as gateway and it was the Express version. Once started with payments I see no transactions list on Stripe Express… there should be a dashboard but I don’t see that… plus I read it needs like a week or so to complete payments and see money into destination. So based on your experience I would ask :

    – how I can see full stripe settings and the dashboard?
    – is there a way to speed card payments up because normally card payments needs just max two or three days?
    – eventually is there a better gateway than Stripe which it looks like it has also fees that are a bit expensive?

    Thanks to all in advance! 🙂 Cheers!

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  • Hello,

    It sounds like you are using WooCommerce Payments. If that’s the case, please visit our documentation to learn more about it:

    For further questions, you can request support for WooCommerce Payments directly on the following forum: https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/woocommerce-payments/

    – eventually is there a better gateway than Stripe which it looks like it has also fees that are a bit expensive?

    All our payment gateway plugins are listed on this page: https://woocommerce.com/product-category/woocommerce-extensions/payment-gateways/

    There is also a great article here that could help you check and compare different gateways and transaction fees.

    Thread Starter Luigino


    Hello @maykato !

    First thank you for a lot your answer … In fact I read that page about woocommerce payments at https://woocommerce.com/document/payments/built-in-partnership-with-stripe/ and there’s a table about Dashboard feature comparison and I see for standard account (which would mean also stripe express as standard account) there should be also transaction list. But now you made me a little doubt : is stripe express a standard account or a limited account? Because that’s how I settled via Woocommerce Payments settings…
    And about times of payments completion looks like 7 days are huge when digitally it should just need at least 2-3 days as normal credit card payments to arrive at our bank account, is there a way to speed that up from 7 days to at max 3 days?

    Thank you again in advance!


    I understand what you are saying.

    WooCommerce payments creates a Stripe Express account.

    Regarding the 7 days timeframe, I understand your point, but Stripe is one of the more secure, anti-risk, and anti-fraud platforms available, this timeframe is needed to mitigate risk when using card transactions, keep in mind that other payment gateways need even more time to process payouts.

    Kindly note that WooCommerce is not able to manage payments by itself, this task is done by our payment gateways, I recommend reaching out to the WooCommerce Payments forum as mentioned previously, in case you would like further assistance:


    Best 🙂

    Thread Starter Luigino


    Hello @ihereira ,

    First thank you for your answer! I can understand your explanation but also reading on Stripe Express’s documentation I see I should see an Earnings folder in my Stripe Express account where to see transactions list but I don’t see it… I can see transactions list actually only in Woocommerce Payments payments list tab… do you know maybe if there’s a way to see that Earnings folder in Stripe Express account?

    Thanks in advance!
    Cheers! 🙂


    > do you know maybe if there’s a way to see that Earnings folder in Stripe Express account?

    There is not. The Stripe Express account that’s created for you when you set up WooCommerce Payments is quite limited, and it’s not the same as a regular Stripe accounts with a transactions list, etc.

    That is the whole appeal of WooCommerce Payments: everything is managed for you right from within the WordPress dashboard, so there is really no need for the type of access that a regular Stripe account would normally give.

    > reading on Stripe Express’s documentation I see I should see an Earnings folder in my Stripe Express account where to see transactions list

    Can you link us to the documentation that says this? I’d be curious to see if Stripe’s own documentation is misleading in this regard.

    Thanks! 🙂

    Thread Starter Luigino


    Hello @adamkheckler

    here’s the link of documentation where I saw about Earnings tab.


    in the meanwhile, woocommerce payments plugin in website normally is associated of the website’s email of administrator , right ? or the username?
    Because this website previously was hosted in a place and based on another email and now which it’s hosted on another host but with a different email account even if the administrator username is the same as old. So I logged and opened the Woocommerce dashboard but I don’t see the list of orders I have on Orders page in the admin panel ; so I thought maybe woocommerce has connected the plugin with the new email address but there wasn’t an account on woocommerce with the new email so I created a new account with the new mail actually used in the website, but no orders list in the dashboard….. what I could do?….


    Plugin Support Saravanan S, a11n


    Hi @luigino ,

    Thanks for the docs links. You are also able to see your deposits/earnings in the payments > Deposits section as clarified here. https://woocommerce.com/document/payments/#section-5

    in the meanwhile, woocommerce payments plugin in website normally is associated of the website’s email of administrator , right ? or the username?

    Yes, that’s correct. The account is tied to a combination of website and a username/email. It’s done so that it can’t be replicated unless it’s the same user and the same website.

    If you need help with connecting your site to an account, please create a ticket with us at https://woocommerce.com/my-account/create-a-ticket/ and we are able to help you with this further. Public forums aren’t the place to troubleshoot specific issues with a particular account with specific payment methods. Thanks for your patience & understanding with regards to this.

    Thread Starter Luigino


    Hello @simplysaru !

    Thank you for your answer, in fact, about the website I am managing:
    – previously was hosted on another place with an username administrator and an email and there were no credit cards payments settled but only money transfer;
    – actually it’s hosted in another place with same username administrator as previously but with a different email and settled woocommerce payments connected to Stripe Express;

    On Orders admin page I can see some orders in “Paid” state done with credit cards (I can read also ID transactions in Payments page details of the orders), but I opened Woocommerce Dashboard (had to create a new account with the email settled on the website actually) but on Dashboard Orders I don’t see any orders list…

    And plus since I read in the documentation it needs something like 7 days to complete process and see funds in the account, isn’t there a way to speed it up? Because normally payments by credit cards takes just 2-3 days to complete process and see funds in bank account, plus we have an order paid on March 22 and it’s supposed to see funds yesterday but no funds yet in bank account….

    Maybe I should open a ticket to investigate together more deeply?…

    In the meanwhile, thank you in advance for your help

    Plugin Support Saravanan S, a11n


    Hi @luigino,

    On Orders admin page I can see some orders in “Paid” state done with credit cards (I can read also ID transactions in Payments page details of the orders), but I opened Woocommerce Dashboard (had to create a new account with the email settled on the website actually) but on Dashboard Orders I don’t see any orders list…

    This is because of changes in hosting and possibly due to incomplete migration.

    Maybe I should open a ticket to investigate together more deeply?…

    Yes. You absolutely should create a ticket. This makes it easier to investigate your specific issue and account and help further. Please feel free to link to this thread in your ticket to us.

    Thread Starter Luigino


    HI @simplysaru

    I’ll open a ticket right now immediately! Thank you! 🙂

    Let’s get in touch in the ticket
    Thank you again

    Thanks for letting us know!

    I’ll mark this thread as resolved now since this will be handled as a support ticket. If you have any further questions, I recommend creating a new thread.


    Thread Starter Luigino


    HI @ihereira , just to be sure, to submit a ticket I have to write down in Support Request section on Help with my account for this kind of issue , right? Or shall I have to write somewhere else?….

    Hi @luigino

    You can select Help with my account and include a link to this forum thread, so that we can keep track of what’s already been done.

    Thread Starter Luigino


    HI @maykato , yes then I did right some time ago including a link to this thread 🙂 Then I’ll have just to wait the email answer contact 🙂 Thanks 🙂

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