Articles li�s � Shadow of a Bull

Wojciechowska, Maia Shadow of a Bull ISBN 13 : 9780689715679

Shadow of a Bull - Couverture souple

9780689715679: Shadow of a Bull
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Book by Wojciechowska Maia

Les informations fournies dans la section � Synopsis � peuvent faire r�f�rence � une autre �dition de ce titre.

Pr�sentation de l'�diteur :
Manolo was only three when his father, the great bullfighter Juan Olivar, died. But Juan is never far from Manolo's consciousness -- how could he be, with the entire town of Arcangel waiting for the day Manolo will fulfill his father's legacy?

But Manolo has a secret he dares to share with no one -- he is a coward, without afici�n, the love of the sport that enables a bullfighter to rise above his fear and face a raging bull. As the day when he must enter the ring approaches, Manolo finds himself questioning which requires more courage: to follow in his father's legendary footsteps or to pursue his own destiny?
Biographie de l'auteur :
Maia Wojciechowska's family fled Poland during World War II and emigrated to the United States after the war. She worked as an undercover detective, a motorcycle racer, a translator for Radio Free Europe, and a bullfighter before turning to writing. She was a friend of Ernest Hemingway, who said she knew more about bullfighting than any other woman.

Les informations fournies dans la section � A propos du livre � peuvent faire r�f�rence � une autre �dition de ce titre.

  • �diteurAtheneum Books for Young Readers
  • Date d'�dition1992
  • ISBN 10 0689715676
  • ISBN 13 9780689715679
  • ReliureBroch�
  • Num�ro d'�dition3
  • Nombre de pages151
  • Evaluation vendeur
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Wojciechowska, Maia
Edit� par Aladdin, 1992
ISBN 10 : 0689715676 ISBN 13 : 9780689715679
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Quantit� disponible : 1 disponible(s)

Vendeur : BennettBooksLtd, North Las Vegas, NV, Etats-Unis

Evaluation du vendeur : Evaluation 5 �toiles, Learn more about seller ratings

Etat : New. Smith, Alvin (illustrateur). New. In shrink wrap. Looks like an interesting title! 0.25. N� de r�f. du vendeur Q-0689715676

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EUR 70,06
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