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4 out of 5 stars
4 out of 5 stars
4 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 16-07-24

In a book club - I’m outnumbered regarding the type of book we read. This wasn’t bad, it entertained. Spent the first few chapters getting frustrated with the leading lady as she struggled to grasp simple things like not sleeping in dark alleyways in order to prevent a mugging. She isn’t over trusting, she just lacks common sense. Again, this writer has a thing about teeth clashing - there is NOTHING remotely alluring about teeth banging against someone else’s teeth. It’s in the top 5 things NOT to do when kissing. We all ended up have a debate about that and we all concluded that it probably happens in your mid teens due to inexperience. Anyone who does that in their adult years cannot snog to save their lives! The first book in this series has a lot of tooth clashing as well. Why?
The last 8 chapters felt a bit rushed.

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Still confused

1 out of 5 stars
3 out of 5 stars
1 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 01-07-24

Listened to it all. This was a soap opera that ended badly and had no rhythm at all.
Imagine feeling flat at a sudden and rushed ending without the story ever progressing - this is that kind of waffling.

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Made it through but not really worth it

2 out of 5 stars
3 out of 5 stars
2 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 18-02-24

The story is long winded. I barely focused on the characters. Sky and Ethan are the ultimate Ross and Rachel dynamic - they don’t belong together. It’s very annoying that the writer is trying to convince us that the main character is a virgin in her mid twenties. It’s weird. The smoke and mirrors slow reveal of what being hidden is annoying.

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Not my thing

2 out of 5 stars
3 out of 5 stars
2 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 18-02-24

Gave up. The series feels like it droned on for years. The fight sequences are long winded and seem a bit unnecessary in detail ; perry, dodge, spin, kick, etc. I found I just couldn’t focus for the last few books and realised I was torturing myself. The characters are a bit annoying.

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Not my thing, zero stars

1 out of 5 stars
1 out of 5 stars
1 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 14-11-23

Barely made to the second story. This series just made me angry. If this is the literary fantasy of ‘subs’, I would ditch the person who believes that treating me this way 24/7 is ok. There is no emotional connection, just kindliness in a hateful scale. Any guy who treats me like this, I’d be very unpredictable. Zero stars.

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I would give zero stars if I could

1 out of 5 stars
1 out of 5 stars
1 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 09-11-23

The story: anyone with common sense would not date Lake - she needs therapy, all of the charecters do. This story goes straight into smut and it's so unfeeling because there is not charecter development, just a lot of sexual want for the sake of it. 'I haven't had sex in 13 months and I need it' kinda rubbish. No emotional connection at all. The two main 'romantic' leads are without passion or depth. For two people so close, they just resorted to playing mind games instead of being the grown-ups they say they are! Pulling teeth would be more pleasurable than the anger I felt with just the first 2 chapters alone.

The moral of the story:

- Women should be warned of sexual pressure and stranger danger at young age.
-People should communicate and consider therapy before jumping into bed at the soonest opportunity. Not communicating will lead to resentment
- Some people are always going to be dickheads and never change. Don't give an inch, leave them where they stand because theres no reasoning with entitled, self centred people.

The voice actors: they are fine in their own right. The male voice actor made Callum's business partner sound like an old man/Shrek, not a man in his late 20's - 30's. The female voice actor's impression of a Scotsman was so off the scale terrible. I believed she was narrating a Spanish charecter for a while until the Scottish charecter name was mentioned.

Honestly, I wanted to give up this story and sped through the rest of the story just to get it out of the way.
The story is so staggered and plain toxic tbh. This us nit the portal of two people in live. This is soap tv worthy. I hate soaps.

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4 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
4 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 09-08-23

Nice light story to fill a bit of time. I have listened to this a few times and like it.

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Not for me

2 out of 5 stars
4 out of 5 stars
2 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 08-08-23

I struggled to finish this story. The plot didn't feel like a 'slow burn'. The pace was off and didn't seem to flow. I lost motivation to get halfway through.
The Laney & Holden do have a back story, yes. The chemistry in the present doesn't seem to be there. It's angst and moodiness, then sex that becomes very adventurous, very quickly. It's annoying. The pet name 'Lala' grated on me rapidly.
Men who wear beanies are not sexy. The guy on the cover is handsome but not with that hair and beanie. This thought would occur to me whenever the main female lead would describe this guy in 'top shelf' handsome terms. Well, not in a beanie, no. This story isn't for me.

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No thanks

3 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
2 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 08-08-23

I've listened to a few books by the authors here, and they've been ok.
This story just isn't for me. Not feeling it with charecter development and there seem to be holes in the plot. Had a strong urge to give up by the 5th chapter but saw it through.
It was a bit predictable and the main characters annoyed me. Not tempted to get the second half. Both halves are around 14 hours. This story should have been a complete story at around 9-10 hours.
Sebastian and Maxine are good but not well suited for the charecter. Don't get me wrong, I'm appreciate Seb but feel his voice is better suited to an older male charecter.

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Probably not for me

2 out of 5 stars
3 out of 5 stars
1 out of 5 stars

Reviewed: 02-08-23

The story was gripping in parts. However, not to spoil how the story develops, apart from the graphical personal scenes and slow build of story, it was easy to guess how the plot was going as time went on. The plot fell off a slightly predictable cliff at the finish. If you hate it when a book finishes with 'The End' (as if no one would have figured it out) that might be the cherry on top for irritation. Loads of folks may enjoy this, and it was enjoyable to a point. But this book was not for me. The main charecter did not ask many questions and took too much at face value for someone in her early-mid 30's. The level of nativity was frustrating.

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